Tommy - First Words

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Sofia's POV:

My boyfriend, Tommy and I have been dating for 2 years now and we have a 1-year-old son already. He was named Arthur in honour of my dad who died of cancer. My dad was battling cancer for 5 years and he passed away 10 years ago. I still miss him to this day and that is why I wanted to call my son Arthur.

At the moment, Tommy and I have been trying to get him to speak as he has been trying to speak. We have been taking him to the beach with us and sometimes when we want some alone time we leave him in the tower with the boys and then we go for a walk on the beach.

I have been trying to get him to say mamma but I know that Tommy has been wanting him to say dada. I don't want to know what words the boys in the tower have been teaching him to say.

Tommy and I were at the beach today with Arthur and we were building a sandcastle with him. He was already walking and I could tell when he was trying to talk because he claps his hands together. Arthur starts clapping his hands and then out of nowhere he says the word "Oppo".

I was shocked at that and I then looked at Tommy and saw that he was looking at me. We both knew that he was trying to say Hoppo but we were both surprised that he said Hoppo's name as his first word.

I then knew what I had to do so I picked up Arthur while Tommy grabbed our stuff and we then legged it for the tower. I didn't know if Hoppo was going to be in there today so when we got up to the tower we saw Hoppo sat there with the binoculars in his hand.

I then said "Hoppo. I do not know what you did to our son but listen to this." I then nudged Arthur and he then starts speaking again. He doesn't stop speaking this time and Hoppo then takes Arthur out of my arms.

Hoppo then says "Well done little dude."I don't know what he says to him after because he starts whispering in his ear but Arthur then starts jumping up and down in Hoppo's arms and then starts clapping wildly. I don't know what has gotten him so riled up but it has to be something good.

Tommy and I spent the rest of the day in the tower with Hoppo and Arthur. We were now trying to get him to say everyone else's names including mamma and dada. We thought that it was cute how he was trying to pronounce all of our names.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I was trying to think of the easiest lifeguard name to say but all I could think of was Hoppo. I couldn't think of what to write for this chapter but I still managed to write a chapter. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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