Jethro - Crush - short

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Y/N's POV:

I have known Jethro since we were kids and since we met we have been best friends. We got into the same college and then got ourselves a job as a lifeguard at the same time. I don't know how but ever since we got the job as a lifeguard I have started to develop feelings for him and I am crushing on him hard. I haven't told him as I don't want to ruin our friendship but I think that he has started to notice that I have been acting weird around him and that is because when he is around me I get butterflies in my stomach and I just can't stop smiling. I knew that I would have to tell him eventually because he is going to start to ask questions about why I am so weird around him. I decided that I was going to do it after work today as he normally comes around to my house most nights and he has already decided that he is coming around to my house tonight.

---After work at Y/N's apartment---

It has been half an hour since we have come home from work and since then I have been in my room getting changed and thinking about what I am going to say to him. I then walk out of my room in sweatpants and a loose jumper. I see Jethro sitting down on the sofa when I walk into the living room and then the butterflies come back. I then sit down next to Jethro and then say "I need to tell you something." He then looks at me and I then continue "I like you a lot. Like more than friends but I don't want to ruin our friendship so I didn't say anything but I had to say something as you looked like you wanted to ask me why I was acting wei..." I didn't get to finish what I was saying because I was cut off by lips being pressed up against mine. I realised that Jethro was kissing me so I kissed back and 5 seconds later we break apart and then I just stare at him in shock. He then says "I like you as well Y/N. I didn't want to tell you because of our friendship but when you confessed that you like me I just decided to kiss you as I couldn't wait any longer.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I had no motivation to write a chapter today what so ever but I managed to write this one at 8.45 pm and it is short because I have no motivation to write. I decided to write a Jethro chapter as I haven't written one in a while. I like this chapter a lot because it is so cute. Hope you enjoyed reading it.


Nicci 💙

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