Bacon - Interview

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Y/N's POV:

I was scared today because I had my interview for my new job today. My boyfriend, Bacon, woke me up this morning because I slept through my 2 alarms and when he did I shot out of bed and hopped into the shower. I was in there for around 15 minutes and I then hopped out and dried my body and I then let my hair air dry slightly. I got dressed into a pencil skirt with a white blouse to match the skirt and I then curled my hair and then pinned it up so that it was out of my face but I had a little bit of my hair framing my face. I then did my makeup but I only put on light make-up because I wanted it to look as natural as possible. I then put it my peal earrings and put on my black heels.

I then leave our bedroom and then walk up to Bacon and then say "So how do I look?"

I then spin around and he then says "You look really beautiful. So what is your interview for?"

"Well, I have an interview to become a teacher at a primary school nearby."

"Wow. That's great. I know you love kids and you love to teach them as well."

"Yeah, I do." I then checked the time and saw that I had to be there in 30 minutes or I would be late so I then continued and said "I have to run. My interview is in 30 minutes and I have to leave now unless I want to be late." I then give him a kiss and then run out of the house.

---4 hours later---

I have just gotten home and it was now 2.30 pm. I got a call from the headteacher of the school telling me that I had got the job. I was really excited to tell Baco today because I just couldn't wait. I decided to get changed into something more comfortable because I didn't want to stay in that dress any longer.

Around 20 minutes after I got home I hear the door open and then I see Bacon walk through the door. I decided to be casual about it so I just said "Hey, babe."

"Hey, baby. How did the interview go?"

"It went well, I got a call on the way back from the headteacher though."

"What did she say?"

I then got off the sofa and then started jumping up and down while saying "I got the job."

"You got the job. OMG. I am so proud of you. We need to have a celebratory meal. What do you want?"

"Oh. Can we have a curry tonight?"

"Yeah, do you want me to call up that curry place that you like and order us some food?"

"Yes, please." Bacon then orders the food and around an hour later it arrives and we then spend the rest of the day talking, laughing and eating food.

(Picture up top is what her outfit looks like)


Thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry, it is out much later than normal. My dad got us to watch a film so we had to turn our tech off so I am writing this in bed. Also, I can't wait for the next episode of season 16 of Bondi Rescue to come out. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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