All lifeguards - Funeral (pt.2)

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Hoppo's POV:

After Joel announced to everyone over the radio that the body is Y/N and that she killed herself. We all then just sat there as we didn't know what to said and I just sat there for around 5 minutes with tears streaming down my face. After I wiped my tears away, I said over the radio that they have to get back to work and that we can mourn after work. I also said that I was going to call the ambulance and that they need to bring her to Tamarama beach and that I would walk down and get the ambulance there. I then call the ambulance and say that we have recovered a body and that we are bringing it to Tamarama beach so they could pick it up. I then hang up the phone and walk down to Tamarama beach.

---Later after they finish work---

After we finished work, we all decided that we would go around to Chappo's house and then talk about what we should do for the funeral and we also decided to talk about us not knowing that Y/N wanting to kill herself and that we should have paid more attention to her. We all were emotional throughout us talking about her and we all had tears going down our face by the time we all had to leave.

---2 weeks later---

It was time for Y/N's funeral, and we all were wearing black suits. It was just all of the boys at the funeral as we knew that Y/N didn't have any other friends and family because she told us that she didn't have any on her first day working with us. We decided to do a closed casket ceremony and we also decided to get her buried so we know where she is and so we can visit her, and we will know that she is there. By the end of the funeral, we all had tears streaming down our face and Hoppo decided to close the beach for a week so we can all mourn her death as she has now been buried.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I was nearly crying when I wrote this chapter. Hope you have enjoyed it and also thank you for over 10k views on this book.


Nicci 💙

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