Blake - Leaving (pt.3)

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Y/N's POV:

It now has been 2 years since lake left to go to the Philipines and I have been missing him a lot. Even though we talking I miss seeing him face to face. The boys know how much I miss him as I talk about him at work. We have managed to last the 2 years together even though it has been a long-distance relationship. It has been hard at times as work and the time zones clashes but we managed to work around it.

I have started to feel lonely at home as I am alone there and we are at the stage where people should be living together but as we are in different countries we aren't living together. All I wanted to do is just kiss him and hug him again.

Blake's POV:

I have been in the Philipines for 2 years now and I have also been dating Y/N for over 2 years. I could tell that she has been missing me because of the look on her face when we are on facetime calls.

I decided that I would come back to see her and because I wanted to propose to her. I got her a ring from the Philipines and it was really pretty and I was sure that she would like it. I have talked to the boys and we have planned it all out. The boys are going to get her onto the beach and in front of a sheet that is going to play a video when she gets there and then I am going to walk behind her and then kneel down so when she turns around she sees me there and then I am going to pop the question. I don't know how she is going to react to me being there or if she is going to say yes or no but it is going to be a good surprise.

I got into Sydney an hour and a half ago and Chappo has come to pick me up. I am at my hotel that I am staying at already and I have sent the boys the instructions already. I told them that they have to get Y/N down at the beach at 8 pm and play the video when she is stood in front of the sheet.

I got dressed in my suit that I am going to wear and because it was ten to eight I decided to walk down to the beach. I had the ring in my pocket so I knew that I wouldn't just be kneeling there while looking for it.

When I got down to the beach I could see that Y/N was tearing up slightly because of the look on her face so I then crept behind her and then knelt down.

I was kneeling down for around about 3 minutes before the video then said "Y/N, Y/l/n will you marry me?" She then looks at the boys in shock and they motion for her to turn around so she did.

Y/N's POV:

After the boys motioned for me to turn around I saw Blake kneeling down on one knee while he has a ring in his hand. I gasped and put my hands over my mouth in shock. He then turned around to me and said "So, Y/N will you marry me?"

I then start crying and nodding my head. I then move my hands from my face and say "Yes. Yes, I will marry you." I then run into his arms when he stands up. I then hug him for a while until he moves me back and puts the run on my finger. Once he does that he then kisses me. I then ask him "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to surprise you. I could see that you were missing me and I decided to come and see you. I also have been planning this engagement for months and because I was coming over here now I decided to propose to you now."

"Thank you for the surprise and I love you."

"I love you too." We then ran off the beach and got to Y/N car to get away from the boys as they were running towards us. She then drives us to her apartment and we spend the rest of the day watching Netflix and chilling out.


Thanks for reading this chapter. If you know what I meant at the end then good for you as they were doing that but if not then they were just watching Netflix. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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