Chappo - Parkour

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Y/N's POV:

I was really good at parkour so I decided to go to the beach to show people my skills. I knew that I would worry the lifeguards as I would be doing something dangerous. When I decided to leave at 9.15, I decided to do parkour on the way to the beach so I could warm-up. While I was on my way to the beach, I flipped off walls, poles and railings. I could tell that people stopped and stared at me when I flipped off things.

I got to the beach around 30 minutes later and when I did I decided to relax on the beach before I did any more tricks as I was tired from doing all of the parkour on the way. I put my towel down on the beach and then lied down on it. I relaxed in the sun for around an hour before I wasn't tired anymore so I decided to get up, put my stuff away and them move to another part of the beach that didn't have a lot of people by the wall and when I found that area I put my stuff back down and I then decided to start with some easy tricks like backflipping and flipping off walls.

Chappo's POV:

Even though I wasn't on duty today, I still wanted to go to the beach to see what was going on at the beach. I got to the beach at around 10.30 and when I arrived I was walking along the beach to find a spot to sit when I saw someone flipping off the wall. I decided to walk up to her and when I got to her I said "You are really good at this."

She turned to look at me and said "Thanks. I have been doing it since I was 8 so I have had lots of practice."

"Since you were eight. You look like you have been doing that longer. I'm Chappo by the way."

"Nice to meet you Chappo. I'm Y/N and yes I have been doing it since I was eight. I have been wanting to do the Australian Ninja warrior course since that age so I have been training in parkour to build that strength up."

"Wow, that's a big dream. I believe in you. I know that you can do it."

"Thanks for the encouragement. By the way are you a lifeguard by any chance?"

"Yes, I am. How did you know?"

"You have the body shape of one and I see you around the beach a lot when I come here. Can I get back to entertaining everyone as they all like it when I do tricks for them?"

"Yes, you can. But don't hurt yourself."

"Yes. Ok, see you soon Chappo" I then walk off and as I leave I turn around and see that she has gone back to flipping on the wall.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I know that there wasn't any romance in this chapter. I just wanted it so that they just had a conversation as I am too tired to write romance today and I also need to do a conversation in this chapter as I have to do the reading part of the English Language test and with me writing conversations it helps me to write comments on the extract. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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