Jake N - Forgotten - short

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Before you start reading I just want to ask. Do you want me to write a second book?


Lucy's POV:

I was on duty in the tower today and I was with my boyfriend Jake Nolan. I really love him and he is the only one that pays attention to me. That is probably why I love him so much as he is the only one that listens to me. I don't know why the other boys don't listen to me but it slightly annoys me because when I have an idea they don't listen.

I wasn't really paying attention to the noises around me as I drowned the voices out because I was focused on the water. Every time I kept seeing someone in trouble I picked up the radio and told them where the person was drowning. I didn't hear what they were saying after because I went back to watching the water.

Jake's POV:

I was on duty in the tower with Lucy today and I could tell when she wasn't listening to the voices around her because she was focusing on the water. I felt really bad that the boys don't pay attention to Lucy. I think that they have forgotten about her because sometimes when they ask if we want to go out I ask if I should invite Lucy and they keep asking who so I can tell that they keep forgetting about her. I don't know what to do because I can tell that she feels alone most of the time as she only has me. I really do love her and I make sure that she is not a forgotten lifeguard on the team because she has me and I make her feel welcome.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Thank you to XXlucyXX234 for suggesting this chapter. I have the next 2 chapters planned out so I don't have to spend a long time thinking of what the chapters are going to be. Thank you for over 30k views on this book. I really appreciate it. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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