Harrison - Forgiving him (pt2.)

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The last chapter is part 1 so if you haven't read part 1 please go and read it. This chapter will make sense to you if you have read that chapter. This is continuing from the last chapter.


Harrison's POV:

I walk out of the apartment crying slightly as Y/N has never shouted at me like that before. I go over to Jesse's house as he gives me the best advice. When I get to his house, I explain to him what happened and then he said "Why not get her chocolate and flowers and a teddy bear and then tell her how sorry you are. You could also take a few days off work and spend time with her." I agree that it is a good idea so I go back to my house and then do that idea tomorrow as nothing will be open at this time.

---Time skip to the next morning---

I had a day off today and I knew that Y/N did as well, so when I got up at around 8.30 am and I got ready and by the time that I have now gotten ready it is 9 am and I am ready to get the chocolate, flowers, and teddy bear for Y/N.

It took around an hour to get the chocolate and flowers Y/N likes and I also got a teddy bear for her. I texted her that I would be around at her house in 15 minutes.

Y/N's POV:

Harrison texted me at around 10 am telling me that he would be around in 15 minutes. I didn't know why he wanted to come round but I shook that thought off. I was still mad at him for coming here an hour later and I am still mad at myself for shouting at him.

15 minutes later, Harrison knocked on the door and I opened the door and saw that he had my favourite chocolate and flowers and a big teddy bear. I let him in and then he says "These are for you. I know that I messed up big time by coming an hour later than I said I would. I am really sorry. Like super sorry. Please forgive me." He hands me the chocolate and flowers and the teddy bear which I put down on the table and sofa. I just stood there when he said that, and I then jump into his arms and bury my head in his neck. "Yes, I forgive you. I was angry at you but after I thought about it I came to my senses and then I became angry with myself and I just lied down on the living room floor and cried and I fell asleep on the floor. I am so sorry for shouting at you. I know I shouldn't have. Please forgive me."

"Yes, I forgive you, baby. I know that we both have a day off so do you just want to stay here and cuddle for the rest of the day?" I nodded my head while I still had it in his neck. He walked me over to the sofa and then sat down. We stayed cuddling on the sofa for the rest of the day except for when we needed to get food.


Thanks for reading this chapter and thanks to BondiGirlinBlue for asking for another chapter.


Nicci 💙

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