Jesse - Haircut - short

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Elena's POV:

I have to get a haircut today, and I wasn't really looking forward to it. I never liked getting my haircut because I don't like to get rid of the length of my hair. I have always liked to let my hair grow out and Jesse, my boyfriend, knows that. He also knows that I don't like getting it cut.

I can sit on my hair at the moment because it is that long but I have to get it cut to get rid of all of the dead hair. I haven't told any of the other boys, other than Jesse, that I have to get my hair cut so I don't know what they will say when they see my hair that sort.

----Time skip to after hair cut---

I have just had my hair cut and I brought Jesse with me so he could comfort me when they cut my hair off. I got over a foot taken off my hair and it now sits on my shoulders. I had to have that much taken off because there was so much dead hair. I was not happy that I had to have that much taken off. I had to go to work now and I was now outside of the tower. I walked into the tower and then walked up to the front of the tower. I said hi to the boys and they said hi back but they didn't turn around so I decided to sit down next to them and wait for them to notice my hair.

It took 10 minutes for them to look at me and when they did, the first thing they noticed was my hair and all I got from them was questions about what happened to my hair. I explained what happened and then continued to have fun in the tower for the rest of the day while doing our job.


Thanks for reading this chapter. There is a heatwave in the UK now, and I am trying to spend most of my time outside in my garden while my family is either at home or school. I don't like how hot it has been getting though because it got up to 25.5°C today and it is meant to get higher. I also have been starting my college work for the summer. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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