Yak - Annoying

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Y/N's POV:

I don't get how the boys could deal with Yak. He is so annoying because he does anything in his power to piss me off and he managed to do it so of the time. He always managed to piss me off the most at work as I think that he asks Hoppo if he can be put on duty with me just so that he can piss me off.

Every time he does piss me off, I always try to ignore him but when he does it continuously, I end up shouting at him. He keeps annoying me by repeating my name or poking me in the arm. He also likes to tap his feet when we are sitting in the tower as he normally has his flip flops on.

Today I was sat down in the tower with Yak and he started off by tapping his feet on the floor. I decided to ignore it and get on with my job and try not to let it bother me. He then continues with that for 5 minutes and when he realises that it isn't annoying me, he decides to tap his fingers on the desk.

He did that for another 5 minutes even with the foot-tapping I decided that I had enough of it so I turned around to him and say "Stop. Just please up stop. It's annoying me."

"No. I won't stop," Yak states.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because I like annoying you. It is the best thing that happens to me when I am at work."

"I don't care how you feel. Think about how annoying it might be when someone might do it when you are around. It must get pretty annoying."

"Well, yes it is-"

"Yeah. THEN DON'T DO IT TO ME THEN. It is pretty annoying. So just stop."

"Yeah, ok, fine. I won't do it again," he says while putting his hands in the air.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." I then decided to get back at him so I decided to tap my fingers on the desk to annoy him. He then looked at me when I started to do it and I gave him an innocent smile. We both then got back to work and I continued to annoy him for the rest of the day.


Thanks for reading this chapter. You can still request for me to write a chapter for you and it also helps me with my writer's block which I had today. I chose to write about this because my little brother and older brother keep annoying me when they have the chance to. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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