Hoppo - Teacher (pt.1)

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Y/N's POV:

I was teaching my year 6 class at the beach today as it was too hot for us to be in a classroom that doesn't have air conditioning. I got their parents permission a few days ago as I knew that it was going to be hot, I also told them that they have to wear their swim costume under their clothes as we would be going in the sea to cool down.

Yesterday I went to the lifeguard tower and asked them if 3 or 4 lifeguards could help me keep an eye on the kids as I would be bringing my class of 30 kids to the beach. The lifeguard that I was talking to said that it was ok and that he could get some of them to help.

Hoppo's POV:

I had to call 3 of the boys that were meant to be off today if they could come in as there is going to be a class here today and the teacher asked if we could help her. Harries, Joel and Lachie said that they would help so that it 3 and with me helping as well that is 4.

It was around 9.30 am when they arrived and when they stopped the bus we walked up to it and then when the first person walked off it, I realised that it was the teacher I talked to yesterday. She spotted us and then walked up to us and said "Thanks for helping me out today. I'm Y/N L/N."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Bruce but people call me Hoppo." I then pointed at each of the boys and when I did I said "That is Lachie, Joel and Harries. All four of us are going to help you out today."

"Nice to meet you. I'll be back I need to get my class." She then walks off and around 5 minutes later she returns with her class and with stuff for her lessons today. Earlier today we taped off an area for them so they won't get lost in the crowd. When she reaches us she turns to her class and said "These are the lifeguards that have kindly said that they would help us and not let you all get lost.

Y/N's POV:

My class and I followed the lifeguards and they took us to a taped off area on the beach. I was walking with Hoppo asked, "why is this area taped off?"

"I decided to tape it off so that your class knows where they have to be and so that the public can't get the children and take them away."

"Thanks for doing that." I then put my stuff down as we have entered our area. I then turn around and see that Joel, Lachie and Harries are having a conversation with some of the kids at the back. I told Hoppo to look at the boys and when he did he saw them having a conversation with the kids and it looked like they were interested in it.

I shouted at the kids "Alright. Gather around." They all then crowded around me so I didn't have to shout. "So, we are going to do some English and maths before I let you have a break. So you aren't allowed to go into the sea yet. I need to talk with the lifeguards for a minute so get your English book out of the box and also get a small trey from the big box over there." I then point to the box and then I walk over to the boys and then Harries asked, "why did you want to talk to us?"

"I was wondering if it was alright with you if you could teach the kids about sea safety as I don't think that their parents would teach it to them at this age. Would you be willing to do that?"

"Yeah, that's fine. We can do that." I then say thank you and then walk back over to the kids and start teaching them English.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I decided that I don't want all of my chapters to be really long so as I know that this chapter would be really long I decided to write this chapter in 2 or 3 parts. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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