Chappo - Cold weather

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I have been a lifeguard at Bondi for around 3 - 4 weeks now and since I have been working here it just has been warm or hot weather. Even though I like warm weather, I would really like to have some cold weather. I used to live in the UK, and it was normally cold over there, but in the summer on rare occasions, it would be warm and reach over 25° C.

I don't know how but I think that my wish came true because I woke up one morning and I checked the temperature and saw that it was going to below 20°C. I was pleased about that, o I got ready for work as normal, and when I walked out of my room I got a granola bar and walked to work. I was on the early shift today so when I walked out of the house it was cold but I was fine with it.

When I walked into the tower I saw everyone already there and in tracksuit bottoms whilst I was wearing shorts. I said hi to them and when they saw that I was wearing shorts Chappo turned around and said "Why are you in shorts? It freezing out there."

"You do realise that I come from England and this is normal weather for us as we don't get the sun a lot. I am used to this." I say. When I said that they realised that it would be cold over there. I look at the rota and see that we didn't need to be on post until 8.30 am. As I didn't need to be down at the south end for 15 minutes I decided to take a walk along the beach. I walked the length of the beach but that only took around 10 minutes so I headed back up to the tower and when I got inside I saw Hoppo looking at me. I decided to say something to break the silence "What?" 

"You were walking out there in the cold," Hoppo said

"Yeah. If you have forgotten that to me this is normal weather. I am used to the cold." I said. When I said that he looked at me with a face of realisation. I then went outside with Chappo to the blue rhino. We then drove down to the south end of the beach and sat there talking whilst looking out to see if people are in trouble.

We were lucky that people weren't going into the sea as I wouldn't be able to go in there as it would be freezing. 

It was around 10.30 am when it started to warm up and when it reached around 10.45 it had warmed up so much that Chappo regretted wearing tracksuits to work. He decided to take them off as he had his work shorts underneath them and when he took them off he had to go out to rescue someone as he was already standing. As he was walking back up to me I saw him make a face of disgust as it was cold and because I made him go in and get them. I started laughing when he made that face, and when he came and sat back down, he hugged me just so he could get me wet. We were lucky that we only had to do just one more rescue before we had to on our lunch break. 

When we returned from our lunch we were in the tower for the rest of the day. We just sat there talking to each other while we were looking to see if anyone was in trouble. When it reached around 4.30 pm the temperature started to drop again, and everyone on the beach started leaving. We got to leave early because there were only less than 10 people left on the beach. When we left Chappo and I went back to my house as I had invited him over while we were sitting in the tower.

When we got back to my house Chappo sat down on the sofa while I went and got changed into something comfier. When I came out of my room I went and sat down next to him and we watched some TV. I didn't know when I did this but while we were watching TV I moved so that I was leaning up against him. I don't know why I did it but when we got up to get dinner, as we ordered pizza, Chappo turned around to my and said: "Do you want to be my girlfriend Y/N?" I was on my way back to the sofa and when he said that I just stopped and looked at him in shock. I didn't know what to say but my mind already decided and made me run forward and my the pizza on the table. I realised what I was doing so I sat on top of him and brought him in for a kiss and when we let go I said "Yes. I will be your girlfriend."

We just sat there for the rest of the night and watched more TV. I move so I was more comfortable while we were watching TV and I put my head on his lap and just stared at him while he watched the TV. I don't know what time it was but I fell asleep at one point but I felt him pick me up and put me in my bed and when I felt the bed dip next to me I knew that he joined me so I cuddled up next to him and we just fell asleep like that.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry that it was posted later today. I had to finish off writing the chapter but I had to do my school work first as that is more important to me at the moment.


Nicci 💙

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