Jethro - Yes

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Jethro's POV:

I was super nervous about today as I was going to ask Meg to marry me. I have been dating her for 2 years and I am ready to ask her. I have been planning on how to ask her for a few months now and I have been nervous to ask her as I don't know what she will say. I am getting the boys to help me set it up as I was planning to set it up on the beach after work when it was dark.

It was around 5.30 pm when we packed the beach up and we finished packing up at 6. I then got the boys to set up the beach while I got changed into my suit. I texted Meg earlier to get dressed into something nice as I was taking her on a date tonight. I also told her that I would be picking her up at 6.30. I finished getting dressed at 6.15 so I decided to go and check up on the boys to see how they are doing. I could only check on them for a minute as I need to go and get Meg.

When I got to our house to pick up Meg shes was already standing outside. I then opened the car door to let her in. Once she is in and she has closed the door I kiss her and then drive off. When we got to the beach I parked my car and turned it off. I then got out of the car and ran around to get the door for Meg. Once she got out of the car I grabbed hold of her hand and walked her down onto the beach. When I wake onto the beach, I saw what the boys had done and they did this.

I thought that it looked nice as I didn't get to see it all when I when to check upon them

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I thought that it looked nice as I didn't get to see it all when I when to check upon them. I then walked up to the chairs and pulled the chair out of Meg so she could sit down and once she sat down I sat down opposite her. We sit there talking for around 5 minutes before the boys put the food down on the table. Joel then discretely passes me the ring so I could propose to her after dinner. Throughout the dinner, I was nervous about what is she going to say.

Meg's POV:

I could see that Jethro was nervous badly but I didn't know why. I also didn't know why the boys were helping him as we were on a date but they just might be helping him get the food in and out of the tower. We both had a lemon-and-herb roast chicken. I really enjoyed it and when we finished the boys then came and took the plates and cutlery away. We sit there talking for around 10 minutes until Jethro gets me to stand up and we then walk away from the table and stand in a circle of candles. I didn't know what was going on so I say "Jeth, what's going on?"

"Please don't say anything until I have finished." I then nod my head and then just as he continues music plays in the background and I realise that it was the song All of Me by John Legend. "When we first met I instantly fell in love with you not because of the way you look but because of your personality. You make me a better man and you inspire me every day to be who I am and I realised that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you when you kept telling me to be who I want to be and to follow my dreams. I can't see anyone else in my life except you and I wait to spend the rest of my life with you so." I then start tearing up because I realise what he is doing. As he gets down on one knee I cup my hands over my face and nose and he then asks "Megan Lyla Hart will you marry me and become my wife?"

I have tears streaming down my face when he asked me that and I nodded my head furiously and uncovered my mouth and said "Yes. Yes, I will marry you." He then puts the ring on my finger and then gets up and pulls me into a hug and kisses me passionately. When we split apart we lean our foreheads together and he then spins me around and when we stop I am facing the boys and I can see them jumping around and hugging each other. When I get put back down on the floor the boys come running over and then they jump on us and we topple over to the ground. They start shouting congratulation to us and that is where we spend most of our night. On the beach with the boys celebrating our engagement. (This is what the ring lookslike.)


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Thanks for reading this chapter. I enjoyed writing this chapter as I have had this idea for a while but I have put off writing this chapter but I finally wrote it. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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