Jethro - Thunderstorm - short

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Elizabeth's POV:

We don't get many thunderstorms here and because of that, I am afraid of thunder. I know that adults shouldn't be afraid of thunder but because we don't get it here often I am afraid of it. Jethro knows that I am afraid of it because of the loud sounds. When a thunderstorm comes he is always there to comfort me.

I didn't expect there to be a thunderstorm tonight but when I heard the first thunderclap, I jumped a mile. I immediately got my phone and texted Jethro. (Left side is from Elizabeth to Jethro and the right side is from Jethro to Elizabeth.)

Beth 💕

Please can you come home? I'm really scared, babe.

Babe 💖

I'm already on my way home. When I heard the thunderclap I immediately shot out of my seat and I am on my way home now.

Beth 💕

Ok. Please hurry. I'm scared.

Babe 💖

Yes. I will. I'm nearly home. See you in a few minutes.

Beth 💕

Ok. See you soon. Love you. xxx

Babe 💖

Love you too. xxx

I then spent the next 5 minutes in a ball under the covers in our bed. I then heard the front door open and then close I heard Jethro call out my name but I didn't say anything as I was still scared.

Once Jethro found me in bed he lay down next to me and then comforted me for the rest of the night until I fell asleep.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I was watching the live concert that was on The Show Must Go On's YouTube channel while I was writing this. I have been waiting for this to come out for ages now. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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