Glick - Vaccine

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Y/N's POV:

I was excited for today as I was getting the vaccine so I could get immunity for covid. It's going to help me with my anxiety as I can't go out at the moment without panicking. Glick knows about my panic attacks so he is then one to go out for things so I don't panic. I really love him. We have been dating since last year in March just before the first lockdown. We went on dates via zoom and around Christmas, he decided to let me move in so we could live together and so we aren't alone. I accepted and by January I was fully moved into his house.

I had to be at the vaccine centre at 10.30 am and it was 10 am at the moment. I decided that now was a good time to leave so I got my phone, car keys and wallet and then left the house. Glick was at work and he knew that I had to get the vaccine today. I go to the vaccine centre in 15 minutes so when I got there it was 10.20 am so I just sat in the car for 5 minutes and after 5 minutes I decided to get out of the car and walk over to the building where they are doing the vaccinations. I put on my galaxy coloured face mask before I entered the building as I wanted to be cautious.

30 minutes later I was home and I was just icing my arm as my arm kills from where they injected the vaccine. While I was icing my arm I was re-watching WandaVision on Disney+.

Glick's POV:

I got home around 15 minutes ago and I was trying to be quiet as when I opened the front door I saw Y/N asleep on the sofa. I was only on a half-day today as I had an early start. I knew that she would be asleep because she hasn't been sleeping well at the moment so she needs all the sleep she can get. I was being extremely quiet. I managed to get changed quietly but as I walked into the kitchen I saw Y/N move and then stretch so I knew that she was awake. I then turned around and walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her from behind the sofa. She jumped and then said "what are you doing home? I thought you didn't finish until 6.30."

"I was on the early shift today so I got to leave at 12."

"Ok. Was I asleep?"

"Yeah. You were. Did I wake you up?"

"No. I didn't even know you were here."

"What was getting the vaccine like?"

"It was ok, but my arm hurts thought."

"Be careful with it then. I love you, baby."

"I love you too Glick," Y/N said. I then came around the sofa and sat down next to her. She then leans into me and we spend a while cuddling. I forgot about me making my lunch as we both eventually fell asleep.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I haven't had the vaccine as I am only 15 so I don't know what it is like to have it. Have any of you had it yet as I am curious? Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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