Jules - Apartment shopping

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(This is what their new apartment looks like. But imagine the stuff not being there.)


Y/N's POV:

I have been looking forward to this day for weeks. Jules and I both have a day off today and we are going shopping for an apartment today. We both live together in her apartment but we both want to get a new apartment that was closer to her and my work. I work with Jules as a lifeguard, but I have been working there for longer as I was only 17 when I started but I am now 29. Jules has only been working here for 4 years now and we got together after her first year of working as a lifeguard.

We have looked at 4 apartments already that was close to the beach, but we haven't liked any of them so far, but we are going to look at the last apartment today which we hope we like as then we would have to go further inland, but we don't want to so hopefully we like this one.

When we get to our final apartment, we realise that we are close to where the boys work down at south Bondi so we could spy on them easier. When we got inside, we started looking around the place and when we finished on the first floor, we went up to the second floor which was the bedrooms and the bathrooms.

We spent an hour looking around the place and discussing to each other if we like the apartment which we do ad we then decided that we were going to buy it. We spoke to the closing agent telling them that we would like to buy the house, so we drove to the agency to sign the contract, give them the money for the first month and then we got the keys. We already had our stuff packed into the boxes as we knew that we wanted to move soon.

When we got the boxes in our cars we drove to the new apartment and then we got the boxes out of the car and into the apartment. By the time that we had got the boxes into the apartment, it was around 5 pm so we didn't bother to unpack as we could do that tomorrow.

After we had dinner, we decided to get our bed sorted out so that we could sleep tonight. We finished sorting out our bed at 9 pm and then we went to bed as we had a day of unpacking tomorrow.

---A few days later---

It has been a few days since we have moved into our new apartment and we have finished unpacking all of the boxes and we have also been shopping for food but we also decided to get so radios that we could get on the same signal as the radios down at the beach so we could listen in on their conversations when we weren't at work. We decided not to do it yet though as we wanted to rest as we just finished unpacking the apartment.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry that it is late today, but I had a virtual open evening for the college that I want to go to, and it lasted until 8 pm so I couldn't write the chapter.


Nicci 💙

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