Hoppo - Heat (pt.2)

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Y/N's POV:

It was around lunchtime when I realised that I finished my drink and that I haven't had a drink since 10 am. I was starting to feel tired and exhausted because I haven't had a drink yet so I decided to get up and go to the shop so they can fill it up with fresh water. However, before I could get up the ramp all I could see was black.

Hoppo's POV:

I was down the north end of the beach today with Reidy and I had a nice start to my day even if I had to rescue someone at 8.30 am. It was a nice start to the day because the person I rescue decided to talk to me as I don't normally get to have a conversation with them. The person was called Y/N and it was a nice conversation we had. It was lunchtime now a suddenly someone runs up to me and says "Someone's collapsed by the ramp over there." She pointed over to the ramp where a lot of people are. I then grabbed my radio and ran over to the ramp.

When I got there, I saw Y/N on the floor with blood around her. I then said on the radio "I need someone over here with the defib, oxy and spinal board as there is someone over here with blood around her and I don't know if she hit her back or what but I know that she is bleeding from her head."

I then heard Chappo say "Yeah, Matt is on his way down with it." I then heard the buggy behind me and Reidy is in the buggy with the oxy. I get the mask on her so she is getting more oxygen in and then Matt arrives with the spinal and defib. I check her heart rate and pulse and realise that she doesn't need the defib so we put her on the spinal board and take her back to the tower.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I have to write part three of this chapter as I had to revise for my English test that I have tomorrow so I didn't have enough time to write this chapter fully. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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