Jethro - Drunk

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Megan's POV:

Jethro and I have been dating for a year now and we decided to go to the bar tonight. We both decided to go as we don't have to go to work tomorrow and because we haven't gone out together for a while. We both don't get to spend a lot of time together because I am a nurse and when I wake up to get ready for work Jethro isn't here sometimes and sometimes when getting home, he is asleep or when I get home he isn't home yet. We both have a day off today and tomorrow so we can spend time together and so that we can get drunk and not worry about going to work with a hangover.

It was around 6.30 pm when we left the house. We already ate so we didn't have to worry about getting food while we are there. I was wearing this to go out. (Ignore the picture on the left. I was watching Brooklyn 99 last night and when I saw that dress, Iknew I wanted it in this chapter as I really like the dress.)

When we got to Icebergs it was around 7 pm

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When we got to Icebergs it was around 7 pm. I told Jethro earlier today that if we see his workmates that we can go and talk to them for a bit. They don't know that Jethro had a girlfriend as he likes to keep his life outside of work a secret. We entered Icebergs and we go and sit at the bar to order a drink. I order a Vodka Martini and Jethro orders a beer and we sit there talking for half an hour before I notice one of Jethro's friends coming over. I pointed behind him and he turns around and sees one of the boys walking over. He takes my hand, so I have to stand up and we walk over to the rest of his friends. He then says "Hey. I didn't know that you were coming here today."

One of them says "I didn't know that you would be here either. Also, who is that pretty lady behind you?"

Jethro then says, "This beautiful lady next to me is my girlfriend Megan."

Another chime in and says "I didn't know that you had a girlfriend. How long have you been dating?"

"We have been dating for a year now and I didn't want to tell you as I knew that you all would tease me and question me about her," Jethro said. We all talked for an hour with Jethro or I get us both more drinks. By the time it was 8.30 pm I had managed to have 5 drinks and I was a little bit tipsy.

We spent the rest of the night talking and drinking and when we left it was around 11.30 pm and we were both really drunk when we left. We called a cab to take us home and when we got home, we went to bed as our heads were hurting really badly.

---The next morning---

When I woke up my head was hurting really badly probably because I drank too much. I saw that Jethro wasn't up yet, so I got up and went to the kitchen and got a glass of water and took ibuprofen. I grabbed another glass of water and 2 ibuprofens and put it on Jethro's bedside table. I then went back into the kitchen and made us breakfast.

It was around 15 minutes later when Jethro woke up and when we both had breakfast and got ready for the day, we both decided to stay in and cuddle so that we could get over the hangover.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I have been really stressed out today because of my schoolwork so I didn't finish that until 3.30 pm and then I started writing this chapter, but I got stuck on what to write but I have managed to get this out today.


Nicci 💙

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