Dylan - Holiday (pt.3)

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Vicki's POV:

We have been in London for 3 days now and we are going to Bristol today. We got up at 7.30 am and got ready for the day. We both packed our bags and when they were packed, we checked to see if we left anything and then we checked out at around 9.45 am. We put the bags in the car and then we drive off. Dylan decided to drive for the 2 hours and 30 minutes to get to Bristol. I offered to drive but he insisted that he drove as he wants me to relax. We spent the whole time in the car talking to each other and singing to songs.

---Time skip---

We arrived at the hotel in Bristol at 12.30 pm and when we get there, we park the car and then get the bags and check-in. We then go into our hotel room to drop the bags off and then we leave the room and go and get some lunch.

After we get some lunch, we drive down to Bristol zoo so we could go and see some animals. We spent 3 hours going around and looking at the animals and also taking photos of them. We both really enjoyed looking at the meerkats as they are really fun to watch. We then left the zoo with some teddies to bring home with us. We got back to the hotel at 5.30 pm and we then go down to the restaurant and get some food for us to eat. After we finished dinner we go up to our room and talk for a bit longer before we both fell asleep next to each other.

Dylan's POV:

I woke up before Vicki today and I then decided that I would book us a reservation at Greens restaurant for 6.30 pm. It took me 15 minutes to book the reservation as I had to find a restaurant but once I finished Vicki woke up, so I kissed her and then I went and got ready for the day.

Once we were both ready, we went downstairs for some breakfast. As we sat down with our breakfast I turned to Vicki and said, "I am taking you out tonight so we need to be back here a few hours earlier so that you can get ready."

"You don't have to take me anywhere."

"I don't care that you don't want me to take you anywhere. I have booked us a reservation at Greens restaurant, and we are going."

"Ok. Ok. Fine, you can take me."

---Time skip to 4.30 pm---

We have had a fun day out as we were just walking around the city and taking in everything. Vicki had to go and get a dress for tonight so while she was out, I went and got something for her. I was really nervous about tonight as I didn't know what she would say. I knew that I was going to do it soon as I planned to go and get a ring on one of my days off in Bondi but as she decided that we were going on holiday I thought that it was the best time to do it as we could keep it a secret for a while before telling everyone.

When we got back to the hotel, we entered the room and I got changed into my other outfit which was a navy shirt and jeans with the new black shoes that I bought today. I then put my jumper on the end of the bed so that I could put it on when we leave. It took me 15 minutes to do that so when I finished, I spent the next 2 hours sat on the bed while I was on my phone.

The time flew by and by the time Vicki tapped me on the shoulder I knew that it was time to go. I turned around to face Vicki and when I did, I saw that she had a red dress on that went down to her knees and she also had red heels to match her dress and she curled her hair. She also put-on makeup that she doesn't need as she looks beautiful even without her makeup on.

When we got to the restaurant we sat down at our table and then we looked at the menu for drinks and food. When it came to ordering we got a red wine for us and then we both ordered spaghetti and meatballs.

Throughout the meal, I was really nervous as I was going to propose to Vicki. Once the plates were removed off the table, I knew that I would have to do this now. I got the ring out of my pocket and then I stood in front of Vicki. She asked "Dylan. What are you doing?"

"Please don't say anything. I am really nervous, and I might not be able to say it. Vicki, you are my world, and I don't know what I would do without you. You plan all of these holidays without me knowing and I just want to surprise you for once. I was going to do this when we were in Bondi but as we are here on holiday, I thought that now would be a perfect time for this." I get down on one knee and then continue. "You are my world, and I don't know what I would do with you. You are the best thing that has ever come into my life and you always make me laugh and smile. You stick up with me and you love me for me being me. So, what I am trying to say is. Vicki. Will you marry me?"

Vicki looked at me in shock but once she recovered from it, she turned around to me and said "Yes. Yes, I will marry you." I then put the ring on her finger and then I kiss her. I didn't realise that the whole restaurant would be watching but I also would expect that as we were near the middle of the restaurant and it would attract attention. Once I sat down, I held Vicki's hand and then all we heard was people wolf-whistling, clapping, and cheering. We were both embarrassed, but we got over it. It took everyone just over 5 minutes to get over what just happened but when everyone did, we continue the rest of the night.

When we got back to the hotel room, we spent the rest of the night together and then we fell asleep in each other arms.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I think that this is the longest chapter I have written, and I am surprised that I managed to write this much. Also, I am going to be writing one more part to this.


Nicci 💙

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