Chappo - Where the money comes from

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Y/N's POV:

I really want to get an iPhone XR but with my dad being Chappo and with him being a single parent because he is divorced. He is the only one that is making money from being a lifeguard so he is really strict with me and wants to teach me the value of money and "where it comes from." So I have been working for the past 8 months, giving an average of 3-5 lessons a week, for 10 euros every hour and a half and 20 euros every 2 hours. I have only been earning that much because the prices are so low due to covid. That is the reason why I am always busy either in front of the screen for skype lessons or with the 4 children I help with homework. With the children, I ask for 5 euros an hour and that is the medium price they have to pay.

Also, for 3 months I couldn't help the children who have so many things to do as I couldn't come around to their house as the government has made zones. For the three months, it has been in the 'red zone' which means that no one can move from their home unless it is for health or work.

Finally, after months and months of helping 2 teens and 4 children, my iPhone is nearing since my old one, a 5s is outdated. My dad, Chappo, is going to help me by covering the last 45 euros and also to cover the screen protector.

A week later, I finally got the phone today and once I set up my phone, I sit down on the sofa with my dad and we play with our Turkish Angora called Kedi. He is very elegant and close to us. We don't have the most wanted cat which has one green eye and one blue eye. I really like the legend that is said about this breed of cat because apparently if you whisper your desires to their ears, they become true. I told her that I wanted a new phone and I did get one.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Thanks to  for suggesting for me to write this chapter. The stuff about the zones is what the Italian government has inputted so it is what is happening in Italy. I am shocked that I was able to get two chapters out today as I was out with my friends for most of the day. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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