All Lifeguards - Celebrity

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Charlotte's POV:

I just thought that it was a normal day at the beach today. The boys that were in the tower with me were just watching the beach when we see a crowd of people swarming on the promenade. I then turn to one of the boys and ask "Can one of you go and check out what is going on out there? Please."

"Yeah sure, I'll go, Char," Jethro said.

"Thanks, Jeth," I say. Jethro then grabs one of the radio's and then leaves the tower to see what was going on.

I didn't hear anything over the radio for a while but I did keep checking the crowd on the promenade but they didn't seem to go. A few minutes later, I hear Jethro say over the radio "It's fine over here. I don't have a good look at the guy but he looks around 5 foot 6 or 7. The guy has dark brown hair and he looks really young. Wait I think I can get a better look at him because he is heading towards me." I then don't hear anything coming over the radio for a while because the guy might be talking to Jethro.

Around 10 minutes later I see them walking on the beach so I turned to Jules and I said to her "Can you keep an eye on the tower and the water? I'm going to check on them."

"Yeah, sure. Go check on them. Keep me updated."

"Yeah, ok. I will." I then walk out of the tower with a radio. I walk over to Jethro and the man but even before I reached them, I saw the man's face and saw that it was Tom Holland.

I then started to panic so I ran back up to the tower and hid under the desk. I then see Jules' chair move back. She then bends down and then asks me "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Nothing happened. It's just that Jethro is talking to Tom fricking Holland. He is my celebrity crush."

"Seriously. Jethro is talking to Tom Holland. Let me see if he wants to come up to the tower." Before I could stop her she grabs her radio and then says "Jules to Jethro."

"Go on Jules," Jethro says.

"Why don't you bring the guy up to the tower. Lottie saw who he was and is now hiding under the desk. I think she would like to meet him."

"Yeah, sure. I'll bring him up. We'll be there in a few minutes," Jethro said.

A few minutes later, I am still under the table and Jethro and Tom walks into the tower. I get out from under the table and sit back in the chair before Tom could see me on the floor and then I hear the British accent, that I love, say "Hey. How are you?"

I then turn around and I try not to fangirl because we are in close proximities to each other. I manage to give him a wave before I turn back around. I don't know why but I think that he could tell that I was nervous to he then turned to me and said "Are you alright?"

I then turned around in shock because he was speaking to me directly. "Yeah, I'm fine."

He then asks me "Do you want to take a picture with me?"

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

"Yeah. I'm sure." I then stand up and we take a few photos together. Tom then spends around an hour in the tower with us and I then get to know him for a bit longer. Just before he needs to leave he hands me a piece of paper with his phone number. He then says "Just so we can talk more." He then leaves the tower and we spend the rest of the day in the tower talking about what happened today.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I have been planning on writing this chapter since I wrote my first Jethro chapter which was on the 31st of October. I don't know why I haven't written it now but I have finally written it. I was also struggling to think of a celebrity that would be at the beach because there are so many. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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