Corey - Sweets - short

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Y/N's POV:

I was in the tower today and when I checked the schedule I saw that I was in the tower all day with Corey. I brought in a lot of sweets like Haribo's and wine gums. I only brought them in because I was hungry this morning and when I get hungry in the morning I get hungry for the rest of the day. It was around 10.30 am when I started to get hungry again so I got my gummy bears out of my bag and I then opened them and then started eating them. All I could see out of the corner of my eye was Corey looking at my Haribo's so I then turned and looked at him and then said "Do you want some of my sweets?"

"Yes, please. I really like them." I then passed the bag over to Corey and he took a hand full of sweets. I continued to eat them slowly and every so often Corey would take some more out of the bag and then finally when I went to get another one I find there was none in there so I turn to Corey and look at him with a stern look on my face. I didn't even bother to say anything because the look on my face said it all so I then pulled out another bag of sweets but just as I did 4 of the boys came into the tower and heard the rattling of a packet so they climbed up the steps to see me with a packet of wine gums.

I don't know what got me madder. The fact that they didn't ask to have any of my sweets or the fact that they finished the packet before I could have any of them. I decided that I would prank them later for taking my food and I then grabbed my other packet of wine gums out. I then saw Corey give me a look so I then said "No. You aren't having any of these. You ate most of my gummy bears so you aren't having any of these." I then sat there munching on my wing gums for the rest of the day while we were sat in the tower but when I did put them down I put them away so no one could steal any.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry, that it is so short. I have 3 tests tomorrow and I have to revise for all of them so I didn't have enough time to write this chapter. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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