Jethro - Secret talent

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The video at the top is what her voice sounds like.


Y/N's POV:

I have been dating Jethro for 2 years now and I love him. I have told him everything that is going on with me and everything about me. Well, that is a lie because I have told him that I can't sing. I don't want to tell him that I can sing as I just don't want him to know and I am also afraid what he would say if he found out.

I was at home today as I had a day off today but Jethro didn't so I was home alone, and I could do what I want. I decided to spend time cleaning the house while listening to music. When I listen to music alone, I sing to all of the songs. It was around 9.30 am when I started cleaning. I put my headphones in, and I played my music. I managed to clean the kitchen, living room and dining room by lunchtime and I sang along to the songs on my playlist. I decided to make a wrap for lunch, and I had some crisps.

After I finished lunch, I decided to clean our room and while I was doing that I sang. It took me 2 and a half hours to clean our room with also dusting it.

It was around 3.30 pm when I finished cleaning the bedroom and when I finished, I just decided to dance around the house while singing.

Jethro's POV:

I finished at 3.30 pm today as I had to be at work for 4.30 am to set up. I walked into the house at 4 pm and when I entered the house, I saw Y/N's dancing around while listening to music. I closed the door quietly and leant up against the door frame just stood there watching her. When she started singing, I just looked at her in shock as she told me that she couldn't sing but she lied to me. I was surprised that she lied to me, but I think that she just didn't want me to know that she could sing.

When she finished dancing and singing, I started clapping but as I started, she jumped and turned around and saw me just standing there. She asked me: "What are you doing back from work this early?"

"I finished at 3.30 today. I thought I told you." She started thinking and then she said: "You did but I must have forgotten."

"Ok. Also, why didn't you tell me that you could sing?"

"I...I...I was nervous about what you would have said to me when you did find out."

"You don't have to be nervous about anything but one thing I know is true is that you have an amazing voice."

"Thank you." I then kiss her and hug her and then I get changed out of my work clothes. I walk out of our room and then we both decide to dance around the house and sing while her music was being blasted out of the speakers.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Please can some people request some chapters as I am running out of ideas and I enjoy writing your ideas.


Nicci 💙

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