Blake - Leaving (pt.2)

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up this morning with tears staining my face as when I fell asleep last I was crying. When I realised what time it was I had to rush to get dressed because I had to leave in 20 minutes to go and pick up Blake. I put on a pink short sleeve top and a pair of skinny jeans. I then put on my light brown jacket, put on my boots, grabbed my bag with my keys and phone in and I then left my apartment. When I got down to the car park I went to my car, opened it, turned it off and then drove off.

I arrived at Blake's house 15 minutes later and when I got there he was waiting outside with all of his bags. He then opened the boot of the car and put all of his stuff in the boot. He then got into the front seat next to me. I couldn't look at him at the moment as if I look at him I knew that I would start crying. I then started to drive to the airport.

While we were on the way to the airport we were talking to each other and while we were talking I was trying so hard not to cry. We got to the airport an hour after I left his place and when we got there I parked the car and then helped Blake with his luggage. We got it out of the boot and we then went through the airport together.

When we get to the boarding area we both sit down waiting for his flight to be called. I knew that I couldn't go any further so I decided to let it all out now. I started crying as we started to sit down and when I did Blake noticed that I was crying. He pulled me into a hug and I buried my head into his chest. He then rubbed my back and then I heard him say to me "Please don't cry, baby. I don't like it when you cry. I am going to miss you too. I love you so much." I then start calming down as that was the first time he has said I love you to me in our relationship.

"I love you too. I am going to miss you so much."

"I will talk to you every night and I am going to text you when I land alright. If you need me at all just text me as the time difference is only 2 hours."

"Ok. Please don't leave me for someone you meet over there."

"I promise that I won't. I love you too much." They then announce that the flight that is going to the Philippines is now letting you board the plane. I then start crying again because Blake is leaving to board the plane so I then just run out of the airport as I couldn't stand to see the plane taking off.

I sit in my car while crying and around 10 minutes later I begin to calm down so I start driving home and when I get home an hour later I get changed into my swimsuit as I decided that I would go down to the beach to calm down and to sit in the tower.

When I get to the beach I walk into the tower and see Hoppo and Beardy in the tower and when Hoppo hears the door open he turns and sees me walking up the steps. He then asks me "Are you alright? It must have been hard for you to see him go."

"It was but I have calmed down now and I just came down here to relax."

"You can leave your stuff in here if you want as it isn't that busy today," Hoppo said.

"Thanks, Hop. Yeah, I'm just going to leave it next to the fridge." I then walk over to the fridge and put my stuff next to it and then walk off but not before shouting to the boys "Bye. See you in a bit." I then walk down onto the beach and then just decide to lie down on the beach and try and get my tan better before I go home.


Thanks for reading this chapter. This chapter was hard to write as for one I have never been to an airport so I don't' know what you do in it and it was hard to write because I was struggling on what to write. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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