Mario - Condition

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Thank you for BondiGirlinBlue for the request for me to write this chapter. I hope that this is alright with you.


Honor's POV:

I am down at the beach today with Mario seeing as it is his day off today. We are walking along the shoreline of the water with the water coming up to our feet every so often. we are walking hand in hand whilst we are walking. We are walking in silence, but then I ruin it because I turn to Mario and say "Hey Mario, I really want a party with our friend's Hoppo, Kerrbox, maxi, Jesse, Harrison, Whippet and Jethro because I feel upset since I have been scared of dying of a haemorrhage. It started 75 days ago and I have been scared for 75 days now."

"Yeah, we can have a party but tomorrow night if that is alright with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I don't mind if it is tomorrow night. I only have to wait for two days and I just want a party."

---Time skip to yesterday---

I am at home today as I didn't feel like going out. I live in a flat just 5 minutes away from my parent's house and 20 minutes away from the beach. Because I live close to my parents, they come round often, and when they do, they keep saying that they don't believe me about the condition I have and the same with some doctors as they have never heard of it.

I hear a knock on the door and I open it to see all of my friends. I think that they have come for a visit. I then also see some McDonalds in their hands. I really love McDonald's and I am really thankful that they brought some and it is a nice surprise to see them. I let them in and then I have to explain to them about what Haemorrhage is and I tell them that my parents don't believe that I have it because they always say to me "oh but you watch Bondi Rescue which is fake." I always reply to her saying "It is based off real life and it is filmed down here at the beach nearby in the summer." They just don't get it but then all of a sudden I collapse onto the floor and lose consciousness.

Mario's POV:

When I see Honor fall to the floor and lose consciousness I start moving her so she is in a more comfortable position and then I do mouth to mouth to try and get more oxygen into her lungs. Even though I am still tired from the time difference I still do it because I want to help her. I head Jesse say to her "you will live, you won't be dying alone, We won't allow that." I also hear the others calling for an ambulance and tells the operator to be as fast as he could. 

Honor's POV:

By the time I wake up, I am just getting into a room at the hospital and they give me a solution of IV drips and transamin as I had only been sublingual transamin (antihaemorrhagic) which are in two vials and I have to take 2 every day but it didn't stop the bleeding as I think that when I fell onto the floor I started bleeding. I am just laying in the bed with nothing to do as I don't have my phone on me and the boys aren't here yet. I can't watch the TV because there is nothing good on so I just sit here listening to the beeping of the heart monitor. 

When the boys get here Hoppo is furious with the hospital staff because they have told him that they don't believe me as they have never seen such a situation. I am panicking now because I don't know if I am going to die or not because the doctors don't believe me so they might take me off the medicine so I am just waiting in the bed for someone to tell me some news. 

I just hear shouting coming from the corridor and I knew that it was the boys who were shouting. 

It eventually stopped after 5 minutes and the boys walked into my room with triumphant looks on their faces so I knew that they won that argument.

I eventually start crying because of what just happened but I couldn't help it and I was also crying because I knew that my parents still wouldn't believe me so he helps me home. When I arrive home my parents bring me into a hug telling me that they believe me. They go home and all of my friend and I end up partying up until midnight as by that point we are all tired and we all just want to collapse. So we all end up falling asleep in the living room.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I had to research this condition but I managed to write about it. It was hard because I didn't know anything about it but I spend 10-15 minutes researching about it so that I could get it right of some sort.


Nicci 💙

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