Hoppo - Heat (pt.1)

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Y/N's POV:

I was from the UK but I moved from Australia around a month ago but I still wasn't used to the weather over here. It has been cold for the past few days, which I was happy about because it has been hot for the past 3 weeks, so with it being cold, it has been like the British weather which for some reason I miss. I checked the weather from last night and it said that today would be around 45°C which was even higher than I was used to as the highest temperature that England has recorded was 36.7°C in 2015. I decided to go down to the beach to cool off as it was already 25° and it was only 8 am. I decided to get to the beach at 8.30 as I was already dressed and all I needed to do was to get my lunch ready.

I managed to get my lunch ready in 10 minutes which means that I have 20 minutes to get to the beach. I then gathered my stuff and then exited the building but not before I locked the front door.

I made it down to the beach in 15 minutes and saw that there weren't lots of people there as it was only 8.30. I saw a few lifeguards around on the beach and because there weren't many people on the beach I decided to sit by the lifeguard tower as it isn't really shady there. I then put my stuff down on the sand in the shade and I then decided to go into the water while there weren't many people in the water.

I decided to go for a swim outback as I didn't do any exercise this morning. I decided to do 10 laps between the flags but what I didn't realise while I was swimming that I was going further and further out.

When I realised that I was going far out I was starting to get tired so I decided that I wasn't going to swim in so I put my hand up to signal for the lifeguards and around a minute later I see one of the lifeguards coming out on the board. They reached me around a minute later and I then climbed onto the board. I then turned around and said "Thanks for coming to get me. I'm Y/N."

"You're welcome and nice to meet you Y/N. I'm Hoppo. Are you English by any chance?"

"Yeah, I am. I come from a small city called Hereford. Not many people know of it because it is so small."

"Ok. It sounds like a nice place because of where it is."

"It is. I really liked living there but I have always wanted to live here so I decided to move here."

"Well, it was nice to meet you Y/N. I'll see you soon." I then said by to Hoppo and made my way back over to my stuff and then decided to sunbathe for the rest of the day.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I actually come from the city that I have mentioned and it is actually really nice to live in. Sorry that it is short I only started writing this chapter at 9 pm as I was waiting for season 16 episode 1 to be released on youtube. I really enjoyed the episode and I can't wait for the next episode to be released. I am going to write part 2 to this chapter to finish it off. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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