Harrison - Visitor

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Y/N's POV:

My best friend left to go and work in Australia as a lifeguard so I don't get to see him anymore which upsets me as he hasn't called or texted since he left 3 years ago. I thought that he has forgotten about me as he hasn't replied to my texts. I think that he has also blocked my number as none of my texts has been going through. It's taken me three years for me to find a stable job and for me to get enough money for me to take a trip to go to Australia.

I paid for my trip and then I started packing as I booked a flight that will take off tonight. I also booked a hotel room while I was at it so that I had somewhere to stay. Once I sorted myself out I went to the airport and then got onto my flight.

Harrison's POV:

It's been three years since I have left New Zeland. I had to leave my best friend there. She keeps texting me and calling me but I had to block her number because one of the boys saw the text but I had to deny that I knew her. I knew that she wasn't going to forgive me that easily but I just wanted to keep her a secret from the boys. If they knew about her they would start bugging me about it. 

I didn't know what I would do if she came to visit but I knew that I would be happy as I haven't contacted her for a while. I knew that I could send a letter but I don't know if she would still be living in the same house. Also, if the boys found out then they would ask me if I love her which I would lie saying that I don't but in reality, I do actually love her but come to admit it at the time when I left. I didn't know how she would respond and I also don't know if she feels the same way about me. 

Y/N's POV:

When I got off the aeroplane I got a taxi to take me to my hotel in Bondi. I knew that Harrison worked in Bondi because I also follow his social media and he posts about being a lifeguard there. It was around 9 pm when I reached the hotel. I walked inside and checked in and then I walked into my room and fell asleep.

---The next day---

After I woke up and got dressed, I left the hotel room and went down to the beach to see if I could find Harrison and to get a tan.

When I get to the beach it is around 10 am and I go and find a spot by the lifeguard tower as that area doesn't get a lot of people. Once I put my stuff down I take off my clothes to reveal my blue and white bikini. Before I wanted to tan I decided that I was going to walk along the beach to see if I can find Harrison. I walked to the south end of the beach but I couldn't find him so I then walked to the north end of the beach and when I got 100 meters away I saw a figure that looked a lot like Harrison so I just kept quiet and crept upon him. I saw him standing to the side of the buggy. I walked behind the buggy and when I got behind him I jumped onto his back to scare him. He didn't know I was here but when we were both in New Zeland together I used to do this all the time. He didn't expect to see me here so when I got off his back he turned around and when he saw me he was shocked to see me. Once he recovered from the shock he pulled me forward and hugged me tightly. My face was pressed up against his chest. We stayed in the hug for around 10 seconds before we let go. After we let go I started beating his arm with my fist. I hit him after I finish saying every word "Why. Did. You. Not. Respond. To. My. Texts." Harrisons workmate looked at me in shock and then he grabs his radio to radio to the tower I think. I didn't hear what he said because Harrison pulled me away from the buggy and then said "I didn't want the boys to find out about you because if they did then they would find you on your social media and on and on the internet and then message you to question you. They would also question me about it. I have been keeping an eye on you through social media though."

"Ok that's a good point but you could have called me so I wouldn't be worried." After I said that I punched him in the arm one last time. "You're an idiot but I still missed you."

"I missed you too." 

Harrison's POV:

"I missed you too," I said. Once I looked up I saw Jesse walking down to me with an angry look on his face. "Um... you might have to get behind me. My workmate is coming down and he looks pissed." Y/N gets behind me and when Jesse arrives he says "Why is she behind you? He needs to come up to the tower because the police want to talk to her."

"Jesse I know that you are pissed but she isn't going to the tower. She hasn't done anything wrong."

"Yes, she was. She was hitting you. She needs to come up to the tower."

"Ok. I will come up to the tower with her. No arguing with me because there is nothing that will induce me to change my mind." All three of us walk up to the tower together. Y/N is by my side holding my hand while Jesse is walking in front of us. When we get into the tower we see the police there. They start questioning Y/N about why she was hitting me. They let her go and then they leave the tower. The boys are confused about who Y/N is so I explain to them who she is and why she is here and why she was hitting me. 


Thank you for reading this chapter. I am starting my online lessons because I can't go to school because the schools are closed as Boris has got us back into another lockdown. 


Nicci 💙

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