Dylan - Holiday (pt.1)

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Vicki's POV:

I decided to take Dylan on holiday to England this year. We have been dating for 2 years now and for the past 2 years, I have taken Dylan on holiday. We have been to Paris and Disneyland in Florida. This year I am taking him to England. I am going to be taking him to a few places around England. I never tell him that we are going on holiday and I always go and book a 2week holiday for him with Hoppo.

It is the day before we have to leave to go to England. I didn't book today off for him as then he will know something is up, so I don't book the day before we go on holiday off. Dylan was on the early shift today, so he won't be home until 4.30 pm today. After I got dressed and had breakfast, I got the suitcases down from the top of our wardrobes and I started to pack the bags.

I didn't know what the weather is like in England during the winter, so I packed for any weather. I have been told by some people that the weather is unpredictable, so it is a good thing that I am packing for any weather.

I managed to get the suitcases packed by 12 pm. I was packing them for a good 2 hours as I was deciding what to pack for both of us and I also had to sort out the toiletries for us. I had lunch after I packed the suitcases and then I packed our carryon bags which we will take on the plane with us. I double-checked the weight of the bags to make sure that they were under 50 pounds which they were and I then I put our passport in my handbag with the tickets and I also put some makeup in there as well as I couldn't fit it in my suitcase.

It was around 30 minutes before Dylan should be home, so I double-checked that I have everything packed and then I put the bags away under the bed and I then get the tickets out of my handbag, so I hand them to Dylan make him figure out where we were going.

---30 minutes later---

It has been 30 minutes since I checked the bags and got the tickets and Dylan has just gotten home. I decided to let Dylan get changed so he wasn't in his work clothed before I told him. I am really excited to tell him as I have been planning this trip for three months and I did all of the planning at work so that he couldn't find out what I was doing. It has taken me 3 months to plan this trip at work. It would have taken me less time to plan it but with me dealing with patients at the hospital I don't get a lot of time to myself.

Dylan's POV:

When I got home, I saw Vicki sat on the house trying to hide her excitement. I don't know why she is excited, but I am sure that she is going to tell me, but I am excited to find out what it is. I get out of my work clothes and get changed into a t-shirt and shorts. I go and sit next to her on the sofa and she turns to me and says, "You know that we go on holiday every year together."

"Yeah. What is going on? Are we going on holiday again?"

"Yeah, we are baby. We are going to England." She says bursting with excitement. "We are going to London first and then we are going to go to a few other places there. We are leaving tomorrow, and we are going for 2 weeks." She then starts telling me about the other details and then I am excited to go. She puts the tickets in her handbag and then we check what she has packed for me and we go and get the final bits sorted for tomorrow.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I have never been on an aeroplane before, so I don't know if this is right or not but please just go with it. Also, I am going to be doing one or two more chapter to go with this chapter as I couldn't fit it all in one chapter.

Also, can you give me some places that they should go to in England other than London as they are going to a few places in England?


Nicci 💙

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