Dylan - Holiday (pt.2)

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Can you comment some places that they could go to in England? I need some ideas as in tomorrow's chapter I will be getting them to go to other places in England.


Vicki's POV:

It is now the next day. More specifically the day where we are going to England for our holiday. When I woke up that morning I jumped out of bed and got dressed while I had a smile on my face. I got Dylan up so that we could go to the airport. We had to be at the airport by 10 am as the plane takes off at 11 am. We got the bags into the car after we had breakfast and then we drove to the airport.

We got to the airport at 9.50 am and we entered the building 10 minutes later as we had to find a parking space and then we had to pay for parking and get the bags out of the boot of the car.

---Time skip to when they are on the plane---

(I don't know what happens at an airport as I have never been on a plane before)

We get on the plane and go and sit in first class. I saved up money so that we could sit in first class. We sat down and got comfy as we were in for a long trip.

---Time skip to when they land---

It has been a day since we have left, and we have just landed in London. We had to get off the plane in Hong Kong so that we could get on another flight. When we got off the flight, we got our bags and rented a car so that we could drive around. We put the bags in the boot and then we drive to our hotel which was only a 30-minute drive.

Once we got to the hotel we signed in and then went to the room. We then had a shower and then got changed into some clean clothes, so we didn't stink.

We then left the hotel room and spent the rest of the day going around London and finding things to keep us busy. We went to the London eye and we also took a boat trip down the river. We did a lot of other things that day and by the time we got back to the hotel room, we were that worn out that when we got into our room, we collapsed onto the bed we fell asleep.

We spent the next few days in London going to some of the places that we haven't visited yet as there were lots of places that we could go to and we also spent 2 of the nights going to bars and we got drunk while we were there.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Please comment where they could go as I can't really think of any.


Nicci 💙

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