All Lifeguards - Easter Egg Hunt

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Y/N's POV:

I have been excited about this day for months now and it has finally arrived. I couldn't believe that it was easter because it feels like it was only last week. I also couldn't wait for after work as even though we are grown-ass adults we are doing an Easter egg hunt. Hoppo agreed to hide the eggs for us as he didn't want to take part. Throughout work, we were all talking and making bets on who would get the most eggs as we didn't know where Hoppo would be hiding them all. I brought in Easter baskets so that we could put them in there once we got them so that we wouldn't have to carry them all around.

It was now 7.30 pm which meant that it was after work. Hoppo has already started hiding the eggs around the beach and in the tower. We had to stay by Hoppo's office and while we were there I gave each of the boys their own basket and then around 10 minutes later Hoppo came back and said "Okay. I have hidden the eggs around the tower and beach. You have 20 minutes to find as many eggs as possible. You are not allowed to steal eggs from each other's baskets and if you aren't back within 20 minutes then you have to give someone else one of your eggs. Do you all understand?" We all nod our head and start in a running position so that we could start running when we head off. "Ready. Set. GO!" We all then start running for the tower and I managed to get there before any of the boys. I then enter the tower and start rummaging through the draws and cabinets and BY the time the boys entered I managed to find 3 eggs.

By the end of the 20 minutes, I managed to find 32 eggs. I got back to Hoppo with a minute to spare so I counted my eggs to double-check that I got 32 eggs but when I recounted I found that I had 33 eggs. 5 minutes later after the boys counted their eggs they realised that they would all have to give me 10 dollars each as they all thought that I wouldn't find as many as them. I was happy in the end as I managed to make over 100 dollars through that bet. We all then went home after we got changed and I spent the rest of my night eating the small eggs.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope that you all have had or are having a great Easter. I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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