Hoppo - Heat (pt.3)

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Hoppo's POV:

I have just gotten Y/N into the tower and sat her on the bed. I then realised that I was hot so I took off my top and I then decided to get one of the boys to call the ambulance so that she can go to the hospital and then I started to clean up the blood that was on her head and then Chappo shouted down to me "Hey, Hop. Do you know what her name is?"

"Yeah, it's Y/N. She only moved here recently from England. I don't know if she has sorted out her insurance yet though."

"Ok. Thanks, Hop." I then continue to clean the wound.

Then around 5 minutes later I see her start to move around so I then moved my arms and said "Wait. Wait. Wait. Stop moving around Y/N. Stay still."

She then opened her eyes and then said "What happened?"

"You fell and hit your head. One of the boys up there has called the ambulance and they are on their way."


"Do you know why you collapsed?"

"Yeah, I remembered that I haven't had a drink since 10 am and my bottle was empty so I went to get up as I was really thirsty so I went up to the ramp to go to the shop across the street but I then saw black."

"Well, it is hot so it was a good thing that you remembered before you blacked out while you were sunbathing because we wouldn't have checked up on you if you did." We then talked for a bit longer and then around 5 minutes later the ambulance arrives and then she gets put into the back of it.

We then went back to work in the heat and around 3 hours later there is a knock on the back door so I get up ad answer it and when I open the door I see Y/N standing there with a bandage wrapped around the top of her head and cupcakes in her hand.

She then thanks all of us for saving her and then she gives us the cupcakes and goes back outside to enjoy the sun and the heat.


Thanks for reading this chapter. My assessment timetable is packed but I still make time for writing and reading. This is my assessment timetable so that it shows what days I might not be able to write these chapters. Plus I have my college interviews next week which is really important. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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