Hoppo - Teacher (pt.2)

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Y/N's POV:

I spent 2 hours teaching then Maths and English and it was lunchtime. I told them not to go in the water yet as they still have stuff to do but I still had to watch them as I knew that some of them won't listen. I also told the lifeguards to keep an eye on them as I can't watch them all at once.

While was eating my lunch I was sat with some of the students in my class and we were talking about things that are going on in our lives. I talk to the same people every day as they like to stay in my classroom to have lunch and so they can talk to me. Every once in a while I keep looking up and glancing at Hoppo. It is because I might have developed a small crush on him even if we have known each other for around 3 hours.

Hoppo's POV:

It was now after lunch and it was time for us to teach the kids about sea safety. Y/N walked up to the front and said "Ok. So I asked the lifeguards earlier if they would teach you about sea safety and they said yes so give it up for the lifeguards." They all started clapping and Harries, Joel, Lachie and I walk up in front of them and we take it in turns to talk about what you should and shouldn't do when you are in the water.

We spent an hour talking and teaching the kids and they asked lots of questions and we answered all of them because we know the answers to them. They all were really interested in it but we didn't tell them about the blood as they were only kids and I don't think that they wouldn't be ready for that.

When we finished talking to them Y/N let them go into the sea and I got the boys to watch them as I was going to help her pack up the stuff from today. The boys then go down to the water with the kids and we then start packing up. While we were packing up I kept glancing at Y/N because I might have a crush on her. I decided to say something so that it isn't silent so I asked "Hey...um...Y/N I wanted to know if you would...go on a date with me?"

She then looks at me in shock because she didn't expect me to ask her that but after a minute of just standing there, she said "Um...yeah...sure. Why me though?"

"Your smart, beautiful and incredible. That is why I want to go on a date with you."

"Yes. Yes, I will go on a date with you." She then runs and jumps into my arms and I spin her around and I then put her down. We then spent an hour talking about the date and other things like work and stuff like that.

Y/N's POV:

When it reached 3 pm I could see some of the parents turning up so I walked down to the edge of the water and shouted to the kids "Alright. Time to come out. Some of your parents are turning up and they are waiting to go home so out you come." The kids then run out of the water and pick up their clothes and school bag and I see some of them walk over to their parents.

Around 10 minutes later all of the kids left except one of them so we stay sat down on the sand for a few more minutes and we were just talking to each other and then around a minute after we sat down Hoppo joined us and all three of us started talking to each other. I then excused myself a few minutes later as I was starting to get worried so I called the girls parent and she said that she was running late. I then said that as it was starting to get cold that we would be in the lifeguard tower.

I then hung up the phone and around 30 minutes later her mum comes to pick her up. I then decide to stay in the tower for the rest of Hoppo's shift so we can get to know each other for a bit longer.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I am going to make another part of this to complete this and I can't believe that I have nearly written 100 chapters. I hope that you enjoyed reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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