Maxi - Movie night

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Y/N's POV:

I was spending the night at Maxi's apartment today as we spent one or two nights at each other's place. It was the weekend, and it was the second time that I am spending the night at Maxi's this week. I am excited to spend the night tonight as it was movie night, so we spend the night cuddled up together on the couch and we get to eat lots of sweets while we watch films. I got to choose the films tonight as last week Maxi got to choose. I was at Maxi's apartment at 7.30 and when I entered the house, I put my stuff in Maxi's room and then went to the kitchen and put the popcorn in the microwave. I then took the sweets out of the cupboard and put them on the table in the living room. When I got back to the kitchen the microwave went off and the popcorn was done. I put it in a bowl and then put it on the table with the sweets. Once I put the popcorn on the table Maxi walks into his apartment and sees me and all of the food on the table. He walks up to me and kisses me and then walks into his room to sort himself out. When he walks out of his room, he comes to sit down on the couch. I decided that we were going to watch the Marvel films as I know that Maxi hasn't watched any of them. I put in Captain America: The First Avenger. I then started the film and I then sat down and cuddled into Maxi. Throughout the film, I cuddled up closer to Maxi and I also ate some of the food. We finished the film and then we started watching Captain Marvel. I have already watched all of the films that have been released. It was around 10.30 when I started getting tired and around 5 minutes later, I fell asleep and my head relaxed onto Maxi's chest.

Maxi's POV:

I felt Y/N head relax onto my chest and then I realise that she has fallen asleep. I decided to stop the film and I then picked up Y/N and then placed her in my bed. I then got into bed with her and when I lied down Y/N moved closer to me so she could cuddle me while she slept. I wrapped my arms around her and then fell asleep with my arms wrapped around her.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I have literally run out of ideas so I had to get my sister to tell me the title of this so that I could write this chapter. Please can some people request some chapters for me to write. I really like writing your suggestions.


Nicci 💙

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