Harries - Books - short

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Natalia's POV:

I was reading a book in my room when my dad, Harries, walked in. I couldn't see him because I was surrounded by books. I liked to read books as I had over a thousand in my room and I and because I had so many I had them stacked up in my room and I managed to make a maze out of them. I was currently reading Looking For Alaska as I really liked the book. It was the second time that I am reading it and the first time that I read it, I cried because it was that sad. When I heard the footsteps stop I knew that he was at the end of my bed so I looked up and asked: "What's up?"

"You need to get rid of some of these books. I can't have these books in your room as I have to walk through them just to get to you," he stated.

"Why? You know how much I like reading books."

"Yeah, I know you do but you don't read any of them anymore so just get rid of them."

"I do read them. I am re-reading Looking For Alaska now."

"Yeah, but you don't even read the ones at the bottom of the piles as they are kids books so please can you kist go through them and get rid of some of them."

"Ok. Fine. I will do that now." My dad then walked out of my room so I put my book down and start going through my books that I don't want anymore. Around 5 hours later I managed to get my books restacked the way I want and I have a pile by my door of around 200 books that I don't want anymore. I walk out of my room with them and give them to my dad. He then puts them by the front door so he can take them to the charity shop tomorrow.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I literally had no motivation to write this chapter but I managed to. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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