Mouse - Pregnant

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Y/N's POV:

Mouse and I have been dating for just over a year now. We have planned on having children when we have gotten married, but I think that is all going to change as I have been feeling sick in the mornings for a few weeks now and I have been gaining weight for some reason. I have been thinking for a few days now about if I am pregnant, as we have done it. It has taken me a few days to work up the courage to buy a pregnancy test but I bought one yesterday and as Mouse is at work today, I have the chance to take it.

When he went to work, I got the box from my draw and opened it and grabbed a test. I went to the bathroom and peed on the stick. I looked at the instructions and saw that I had to wait three minutes. It was the longest three minutes of my life as I didn't know what to do if it was positive.

When the time was over, I looked back at the test and saw that it was positive. I started panicking as I didn't know if Mouse wanted to keep it. I then decided that if Mouse broke up with me, I would still keep it and raise the child on my own. I then thought of a good way to tell him. I left the house and went to the shop and bought a white baby onesie that said: 'My Dad is a superhero." I then got them to put it in a box and when I got home, I got the pregnancy test and put it next to it in the box. I then closed the box up and wrapped it in blue and pink wrapping paper. I then decided to clean the house while I waited for Mouse to come home.

Mouse's POV:

When I got home, I saw Y/N sat on the sofa with something on my lap. I walk over to her and sit down next to her. "Baby, are you ok?"

"Yes. Just don't say anything else until you see this." She hands me the box and I unwrap it and open the box. I read when it says on the onesie and then look next to it and see a positive pregnancy test. I look back at her and then back at the box and then back at her. "Are you really?" She nods her head telling me yes. I kiss her and then say "I am not going to leave you. This is a miracle and I want to be in yours and the baby's life." I hug her, kiss her again and then we spend the rest of the day cuddling in bed.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I really enjoyed writing this chapter even if I don't have a lot of ideas at the moment. Please can some people request some chapters as I am running out of ideas and I really enjoy writing your ideas.


Nicci 💙

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