Hoppo - Tics

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A/N - I have researched this so I know the basics of this condition and I know someone with tics so I am not trying to offend anyone else out there who has tics or Tourette's syndrome.



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Violet's POV:

I was sat down on the beach today relaxing while also ticing. I was here at around 7.15 am which was before everyone else got here so I had free reign to chose where I wanted to sit but I decided to sit next to the lifeguard tower as it is the safest places to be. When I got there I was sat down for around minutes before I saw lifeguards come down the tower and go in the buggies to their posts. I kept seeing lifeguards walk past and watch me tic but I am used to it as when I was in school people kept staring at me and also people would sometimes imitate me saying that they have got tics. I don't like it some of the times because it stops me from doing some jobs like a teacher because of my vocal tics. I also can't walk around without injuring myself because of my motor tics. They like to make me hit myself over and over again or sometimes when I am on a walk they like to make me fall over and hurt my knees. They stop when I am asleep or when I am focused on something like reading or they calm down when I listen to music.

At around 11.30 am I decided to go into the sea and relax by swimming. When I get into the sea I can feel the cold water hitting my body like a torpedo and it feels nice and relaxing. I start going further out and then I start swimming but what I didn't realise that I was being pulled out into the ocean. I didn't realise that until I stopped swimming thinking that I was going back into the shore but I realise that I was further away from where I started. I put my hands up and start to wave them around to get the lifeguards attention.

Hoppo's POV:

I was on the morning shift today and when I got there at around 7 am there were only 10 people on the beach but they were at the north end of the beach but when I walked down the steps to go to the buggy to take it down to the middle of the beach I saw a woman sitting next to the beach while moving weirdly. It also sounds like she was making noises but it didn't bother me because I have a job to do.

At around 11.30 am I see the woman going into the sea but she calms down for some reason but I just keep watching her because I had a feeling that she would end up in trouble and I was right because 5 minutes later I see her put her hand up but she was way out back that it would take me a good 30 seconds to a minute to get to her because she was far out. I get the rescue board and get out to her within 45 seconds and I get her on the rescue board. I get her back to the shore and then ask "Are you alright? I saw you this morning and you were moving but when you got into the sea you were fine."

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little shaken at this moment but it will go away," she said but then she starts doing the same thing that she was doing the thing that she was doing earlier again.

"You alright. Your moving around a lot."

"No. I'm fine. It happens a lot. I have Tourettes you see and this happens a lot but people don't care. They just think that I am doing this for attention but I'm not. I can suppress them but I tend not to." She said that and I was just stood there shocked that people would do that. I don't know why people would do that because it is just mean and stupid because you probably can't imitate them.

"Well, if you ever need any help then come to the tower and we can talk alright. I will be there if you need me or if I'm not then one of the boys will take you or point you in the right direction. I don't care if it is about a stupid thing. I will be here to listen if you need someone to talk to. Ok?" I said that and she just nodded her head. "By the way what if your name I forgot to ask?"

"Oh, I'm Violet. You?"

"My name is Bruce but people call me Hoppo"

"Well nice to meet you Hoppo. I will see you soon I guess" She walks off and I go back to work with the boys for the rest of the day.


Happy Boxing day to everyone in the UK. Hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas. Only 5 days left of 2020. Even if we have had the pandemic I hope that you all have had a wonderful year and I hope that everyone will have a better year next year in 2021.


Nicci 💙

Nicci 💙

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