Chase - Game Night

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Y/N's POV:

I was really looking forward to tonight because Chase was staying over tonight as we were having a game night. I was excited as we are going to be playing lots of games. I set out lots of different games like monopoly, Cluedo, kerplunk, Jenga and many more. Chase was coming around in 15 minutes so I decided to get some popcorn and crisps for us to eat while we are playing the games. I decided to leave the drinks in the fridge as they will get warm if it out of the fridge. I also got changed into some sweats so I was more comfortable.

I did all of that in 15 minutes and when I walked out of my room I heard a knock on my front door and I knew that it was Chase so I opened the door and let him in. Once I let him in I close the door and he puts his stuff down in my room and then sits down on the sofa next to me. I then ask him "what game do you want to play first?"

"Could we play Jenga? I like that game the most."

"Yeah, that's fine. I like that game as well." We then get Jenga out of the box and set it up.

We played that game for 5 minutes until when I went to place a block down I knocked the tower down and I lost. I was really upset that I lost but then started to play Cluedo. We both really enjoyed playing the games as a few hours later we managed to get through most of the games and Chase won most of them. I was devastated that I lost most of the games but I knew that I couldn't do anything as they were just games.

We then packed up the games and the remaining sweets and that was leftover and then we went and cuddled up on my bed. We eventually fell asleep while cuddling as we were both tired.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I couldn't think of what else to write so I wrote this chapter. Sorry that it is so short, I didn't have a lot of time to write this chapter. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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