Luke - Videogames

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Y/N's POV:

I have gotten back into playing videogames again and I started by playing Tomb Raider. I managed to finish that game in a month as that was around the time where I started dating Luke. He knows that I enjoy playing games as that was the first thing that he found out about me. I have managed to complete lots of games. It has been 6 months since I started playing them again so that means that Luke and I have been dating for 5 months. I like him a lot because he is supportive and enjoys watching me play because sometimes I say really funny things.

Luke was staying the night tonight and when he came around I was just about to start playing Tomb Raider 3 as I have played the other 2 games. I didn't mind him talking to me when I am playing because he calms me down when I am playing. I don't get scared easily so when things jump out at me I don't jump or anything as I am expecting that. It was around 5.30 pm when I finished playing so we could have dinner. When we were eating dinner we were talking about work and all of that stuff as sometimes we need to get stuff off our chests. When we finished we put our plates in the dishwasher and put it on so that we didn't have to do the washing up ourselves. After we did that I went back and played my game again.

Luke's POV:

I do love Y/N a lot but when I come around to her house she is always playing a game on the Xbox and it is annoying as I just want to spend time with her. I do support her but I know that I should tell her that I just want to spend time with her when we are together.

It was around 9 pm when I decided to go to bed. After all, I had to get up early tomorrow because I am on the early shift. I told Y/N that I was going to bed and she said that she would be up in a bit which I said was fine. As soon as I got changed and my head hit the pillow when I got into bed I fell straight asleep.

Y/N's POV:

I don't know how long it has been since Luke told me that he was going to bed as I was too focused on my game. It could have been hours because I knew that it was 9 pm when Luke went to bed. I don't know how far I have gotten through this game but I was so into it that I couldn't stop playing.

I don't know what time it was but I heard my bedroom door open and close so I knew that was Luke getting up. All of a sudden the controller was taken out of my hands and I just look up to see Luke standing there in his work clothes with my controller in his hands. He then says "All right. I have had enough of this. You need to stop playing these games for a while because you have now stayed up all night playing them. It is now 5 in the morning and you are still playing. You need a break. Y/N when I come around so we can spend time together I want to spend time with you, not watch you play games."

"Sorry, Luke. I'll stop. I promise. I just get so caught up in the game I lose track of time. Sorry. Forgive me?"

"Yes, I forgive you but I am coming around again because we didn't get to spend that much time together yesterday. Also, go to bed. I can see you drifting now." Just after he says that he kisses the top of my head and then I walk into my room and fall onto the bed. As I hit the bed I fall straight asleep.


Thanks for reading this chapter. My sister gave me inspiration for this chapter because she has started playing Lara Croft. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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