Deano - Puppy

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Y/N's POV:

Deano and I have been dating for a few months now and I really love him. I don't know what I would do without him. The boys have known that we have been dating for around a month now and they have been teasing us for a while. We both have told Hoppo that our relationship won't be in the way of our job and he has let us work shifts together, so I am happy about that.

I was working at the North end of the beach today with Deano and everything was fine up our end as we haven't had to do any rescues yet and it is 10.30 as well. Deano and I have had close calls but by the time that we get to the water's edge, the people we need to rescue are fine. As it was fine over at our end of the beach and Deano was fine looking at the water I decided to take a walk along the beach to see if there was any trouble on the sand. I stayed on the Northside of the beach as this is the area that I was covering.

Around 5 minutes of patrolling the beach, I saw something moving along the wall close to the steps, so I walked over to it and when I got there, I saw a puppy. I picked it up and checked it for a collar, but I didn't see one, so I started stroking it while walking back down to the buggy.

When I got back to the buggy, I sat back down and then Deano turned to look at me, but he saw the puppy in my arms. I gave him the puppy so that he could hold the dog as he looked like he wanted to hold it and when I gave the dog I radioed up to the tower and told them that we have a puppy with us at the North end of the beach. They said that they are going to call the vets and a few minutes later they radioed down to me and said that I would need to come up to the tower so that they could check on the puppy. I then grab the puppy back out of Deano's arms and then kiss him on the lips and I then walk up to the tower with the puppy.

Once I get up to the tower I sit down on the medical bed with the puppy and put him down. The puppy then curls up against me so that it can sleep, and I then told the boys to be quieter as the puppy is asleep.

Around 10 minutes later there is a knock on the tower door, so I carefully get off the bed and I then open the door. The vets walk into the tower and they see it on the bed, so they carefully pick him up and check him over.

Around 20 minutes later they finish examining the puppy and they said that he looked like he was around 12 weeks old and he looked like he was in good condition. She also said that because the puppy is that young and he doesn't have a collar on then I could keep him because I was the first person to come into contact with him and that he has warmed up to me. They then leave the tower and leave the puppy with me and I then go to Hoppo's office with him and then ask him if I could leave the puppy in the tower with the boys and he said that he was fine with that, so I walked back into the tower and left the puppy with the boys. I then walked back down to the North end and I then sat back down in the buggy with Deano.

We were really lucky that for the rest of the day we didn't have to rescue anyone. We just had to tell people that they need to stay close to the shore so that they won't be in danger.

While we were sat there, we were thinking of names to call the puppy and we eventually came up with Flash as the boys kept saying that he was running along the counter a lot. I let Deano be the father to the puppy as he was my boyfriend and because the puppy likes him.

When we finish our shift, we take Flash to the pet store and we get him a collar and everything else that he needs and we get them to engrave his name on the collar with my number on the back of it so that if he goes missing then the person who found him can call me if they find him.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I have always wanted a dog as they are adorable, but I also want a cat as I can cuddle them all of the time. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Message me if you have any ideas about a chapter I should write.


Nicci 💙

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