Mouse - Adopted

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Lily's POV:

I have been living with Mouse for around about 6 months now, and everything has been great. I really love him and I didn't want anything to change. My parents asked me to come around to their house today and I said yes. I was confused about why they wanted me over but I decided to let it go as I didn't want to worry myself. Mouse decided that he would go with me today as he wanted to see my parents today.

Mouse and I got to my parent's house at 11.30 am and when we got there we entered their house and we then sat down and started to talk. We had lunch an hour later but after lunch, my parents then asked me if they could talk to me and I said yes. Mouse then left the room and I then said "What do you want to talk about?"

"Um...well...this is a hard thing for us tel tell you but..." Mum says.

"Oh my god. I'll tell her. You're adopted, Lily." Dad stated.

I just looked at them in shock and then I don't even say anything because I just walked out of the house and when Mouse saw me leave he followed after me.

Mouse's POV:

I was waiting out in the hall for them to tell me that I can go back into the living room but then Lily walked past me and out of the house so I followed her and when I caught up to her and stopped her and asked "What's wrong?"

"They just told me that I am adopted. I am 30 years old and they now tell me that I am adopted."

"What they just tell you that you are adopted?"

"I know. Who waits for over 20 years to tell their child that they aren't really their child?"

"I don't know but I still love you either way. Nothing will make me not be in love with you. Now I think that you should go back and apologize to them for storming out on them."

"Yeah, I should. Thanks for talking me down. I love you."

"I love you too." We both then walk back to her parent's house and when we get inside Lily apologizes to them for storming out and they explain why they waited over 20 years to tell her.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Today was my last day at school so for the next 2 weeks the chapters might be coming out a bit earlier so that is a good thing. Hope you all are going to have an amazing Easter holiday. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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