Singlets - Photographer (pt.2)

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Y/N's POV:

I walked into Hoppo's office and then I said "I have finished with the photo's. I was wondering if I could do the other option now."

"Yeah, that's fine. Which lifeguards do you want?" Hoppo asks.

"Can I have Singlets, Maxi, Mouse, Matty and I was wondering if it was possible to have you as well?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's fine. We can make our way down to the beach and I can radio to them," Hoppo says. We both then walked out of his office and we then walk down onto the beach.

Around 5 minutes later all of the boys I asked for has made out way over to us and Hoppo has already explained to them why he has asked us over here. I then managed to organise them into different poses for each photo.

I managed to get around 20 different photos of them and then I realised that it was pack up time for them so I brought Hoppo to the side and then I asked him "Hey, I was wondering if I could do a photo with all of you near the tower after you have packed up the beach."

"Yeah, that is I good idea. I'll tell them all after they have finished packing away," Hoppo said.

Just after Hoppo left Singlets walked up to me and then said "So why did you chose me for those photo's?"

Without thinking I blurted out "Because I think you're cute." I then realised what I said so I slapped my hand over my mouth because I can't believe that I would say that.

"You think that I am cute? I find you beautiful then," Singlets says.

"Yes, I find you cute. Ok. And thank you for calling me beautiful," I say. We then stay standing there for another 30 minutes talking to each other while the other put the stuff away and once they did I arranged them all on the steps on the tower so that I could take a picture of them together.

Once I took a photo of them and a few more while they are in different places.

They all then left but for some reason, Singlets stayed behind and then said "Hey. Y/N can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure what is it?"

"Well, I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date with me?"

"Yes, I will go on a date with you." We then stayed talking about the date and we also got to know each other a bit more.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I am not going to do another part of this chapter. It's my dad's birthday tomorrow but I have to go to school and he has to go to work so we might be spending some time together so I don't think that I will be able to write this chapter tomorrow. Also, I can't believe that I am I chapter away from the 150th chapter. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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