Mouse - Prison

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Y/N's POV:

I have been dating Mouse for 4 years now but I don't know if he will break up with me because I have managed to end up in prison. I don't know why I am here but I think that someone has framed me for something that I haven't done.

I have been here for a few days now but I know that Mouse has someone making sure that they find the person that framed me. He has also come to visit me every day but I have this feeling that he won't today. I don't know why but I just feel that he won't see me today.

---Time skip to later on in the day---

That feeling was right because he didn't visit me at all today. Visiting times were over now and he didn't come and see me at all. I am upset by that because my boyfriend didn't come but I knew that he might come tomorrow.

---The next day---

He didn't show up. It has now been two days since I have sen him and I am getting upset because he hasn't come to visit me. I have been sat in my cell crying because I haven't got any visitors.

---A week later---

He hasn't shown up a week. It has been over a week since I have seen him and I have given up hope that he will come and see me again because he promised to visit me every day but he hasn't visited me. I don't know what to do because I think that they have given up on getting me out. I haven't heard anything from my lawyer about me getting out so I think that they have given up on getting me out and they have given up on the case.

---The next day---

I don't know what happened but I am being pulled into court at around lunchtime and when I get there I see someone else sat in an orange prison uniform so I start getting worried about what is happening. 

About an hour later I am finally free because they managed to realise that the other person that was in orange was the killer and not me so they put her in jail and let me go free which I am thankful for. While I was in court I kept looking behind me to see if I could see Mouse which I couldn't so I gave up on that.

When I got out of court I went back to the prison to get all of my stuff that they took off me when I went into prison and when I collected my stuff I went back to the apartment to clean myself up and when I finished getting clean and when I got dressed into some other clothes, I went down to the beach to find Mouse because I want to know where he is. 

When I got down to the beach I started down at North Bondi and walked all the way down to South Bondi to see if he was on the beach which he wasn't so I then realised that he was in the tower. I walked up to the tower and then climbed up the steps and when I went inside the tower I saw Mouse crying and he had Harries comforting him. I realised that he couldn't come and see me because he didn't like to see me in prison so I took my flip flops off and I put my stuff down by the door and crept upon him. Harries saw me coming but I put my finger to my lips for him to be quite. Harries let do of Mouse and said that he had to do his work so Mouse then turned his chair facing the water and then put his arms on the desk and then cried into his arms. 

I walked up behind him and then wrapped my arms around his chest and rested my head on his back. He sat up when he felt my arms wrap around him and then I let go so that he could turn around. When he saw me behind he hi then got up and hugged me and asked: "how did you get out?"

"They found the murder and realised that it wasn't me so they let me go."

"When did you get out?"

"Around an hour or so ago."

"Why didn't you call or text me?"

"I knew that you would have been at work so I knew that you wouldn't be able to answer your phone." We both then sat there talking about what has happed for the past week with Harries jumping in the conversation and also asking me questions about where I was because Mouse didn't say anything to his friends.

When he got off work we both walked home together and when we walked into the house we made dinner and then we fell onto the couch and cuddled. We both then fell asleep after a while as we were both tired.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I don't know what happens in court so I didn't write about that part. I didn't know what to write about but the TV show I am watching gave me this idea for today's chapter. Hope you enjoyed reading it.


Nicci 💙

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