Tommy - Bar (pt.2)

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Tommy's POV:

When I woke up the next morning I had a banging headache because of how much I had to drink at the bar and I also had Y/N leaning up against my chest sleeping. I knew that I had to move because I had to get rid of this headache and so I could make Y/N breakfast. So I carefully lifted Y/N's head off my chest and then left the bed and put her head down on the pillow. I then quietly left the room and took some paracetamol with water and I then proceeded to make Y/N and me some food.

20 minutes later, I finished making us breakfast and I made us waffles with maple syrup and strawberries on top of it. I then put it on a tray and made got us both a glass of orange juice and I also put some paracetamol on it so Y/N can take some when she woke up. I then walked into our room and when I got in there I saw that Y/N was still asleep so I put the tray on my bedside table and then bent down and gently shook Y/N awake I then said: "Y/N you need to get up now."

"No, I don't want to get up," She said in a groggy voice.

"You have to and if you do I will give you breakfast and some painkillers to help with your headache," She then sat straight up but then immediately regretted it as she groaned and put her hands to her head. I then handed her the tray and then she started eating her food. Around an hour later we were both sat down on the sofa cuddling as we both just wanted to survive the hangover and we didn't want to make it worse. We were both wearing sweatpants and I was wearing a t-shirt while she was wearing one of my hoodies. We spent the rest of the day cuddling as we had nothing to do but by the end of the day our hangovers were gone which were a bonus.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I decided to do this chapter in Tommy's pov as I did the last part in Y/N pov. I am going to be writing a Jesse chapter tomorrow as someone asked me to write one around a week ago but I haven't gotten around to do it yet as I have been busy with homework and I only just remembered about it a few days ago. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.


Nicci 💙

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