Hoppo - Abuse

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Just warning you that this chapter mentions abuse and if you aren't comfortable reading this chapter then just skip it because I know that everyone might not be comfortable reading this.


Aria's POV:

I don't know what I should do. I can't stay with him anymore but he won't let me break up with me as if I do he will start hitting me and he will tie me up so that I can't leave my house for days. My boss has started to get worried because I am coming into work with bruises on my arm and I am in pain and because I take so much time off work. I just don't know what to do because when I get home from work most days a bottle is being thrown in my direction when I walk through the door. I just don't know what to do.

I am at work at the beach today and I am on tower duty all day today with Hoppo and I am just looking at the beach but then Hoppo says "Aria are you alright? You come into work with bruises on your arms and you also are in pain most days as well."

I burst out into tears because it was going on for too long and I then shake my head to prove that I wasn't ok. He starts rubbing my back and then he asks for someone to come up to the tower so that we can go and talk in his office.

When we get to his office I tell him everything from how long this has been going on for to how he treats me. I also told him that I have tried breaking up with him multiple times but he won't let me leave. I continue to cry but then all of a sudden Hoppo comes around his desk and pulls me into a hug. I cry into his shirt for a while and when I calm down he turns around to me and asks "do you want me to call the police on him? Because this has been going on for too long and they can take him away and you don't have do worry about him anymore."

"Yes, please. Can you get them to come here first so I can explain it to them first?"

"Yeah, sure. That's fine." Hoppo then calls the police and 5 minutes later they arrive at Hoppo's office and I explain what has happened and I show them my bruises so that they can have proof.

I take them to the apartment and I walk in first and told them to wait there. When I walk through the door a beer bottle is chucked in my direction and barely misses me. I put myself just by the wall and he walks over to me. I normally run in the direction of my room when I get home but I have put myself against the wall by the door so that the police can hear him punching me. When he gets over to me he starts punching me in the stomach and verbally abuses me as well. He only managed to hit me for a minute before the police came into the apartment. When they came inside they get a hold of him and arrest him for abusing me. After they walk out of the apartment I realise that I am free but I then realise that I have to move because if he did manage to get out I didn't want him coming back to this house with me still living here.

---A week later---

Within a week my bruises are gone and I have moved houses because I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. I am living closer to the beach and closer to Hoppo's house so that if I need anything he said that he would get it for me and bring it around. Hoppo and I have gotten that close because of that incident that we are now dating because I feel like I can tell him about things that are worrying me.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I am not going to write another part to this as this was a hard topic to write about. There was a reason for me writing this chapter because I wanted to tell people that if they are being abused they should tell someone about it so that you aren't alone and so that they can get the police involved to put the person abusing you in jail as abuse is wrong and people shouldn't abuse other.


Nicci 💙

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