Taco - Found

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Tilly's POV:

I was not happy at the moment as I have lost my kitten. She was only 6 months old and she doesn't know her way around as I haven't let her outside before. I don't know how she even got outside as I made sure that she wasn't anywhere near me when I went outside on my balcony and when I did I always closed the door. Also, when I left the apartment she is always on the other side of the room when I leave. I have put posters around outside to say that if anyone finds her then they have to call me.

Not many people at work know that I have a cat or that she is now lost. I have only told Taco and Hoppo as Hoppo is my boss and he needed to know that if I was distracted at any point he would know the reason why. Taco only knows because he was on tower duty with me one day and he saw me crying and I had to tell him.

It was around 5.30 pm when I was in my apartment because I finished at lunch today as I was on the early shift today. I got a call on my iPhone and when I looked at the caller ID I saw that it said Taco on the screen so I answered my phone and I said "Hey Taco. What do you want?"

"Um...well...Can I come over? I have someone who you would like to see again."

"Yeah, that's fine. You can come over."

"Okay. See you in 10 minutes."

"See you in 10." I then hang up the phone and then get back to watching the final 10 minutes of the second episode of Shadowhunters.

10 minutes later, Taco knocks on my door and when I open it I see my kitten in his arms. I then look back and forth between Taco and my kitten and when I overcome from the shock I ask him "Where did you find her?"

"She was wandering about near the tower when I left work. I then knew that she was yours as you said that you were missing her so I then called you and now we are here."

"Thank you for finding her. I don't know what I would have done if no one found her." I then let Taco inside and then I take her out of his arms. I then go and feed her as she looks like she hasn't eaten since she escaped.

Taco and I then spend the rest of the day talking about work and about our life as when we are together we spend a lot of time talking to each other.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I would never want my families cat to go missing as we would all freak out as we like cuddling with her at night and it would be weird if she does go missing. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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