Kerrbox - Cravings

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Y/N's POV:

I have been pregnant for over 3 months now and my craving has gotten weirder and weirder. I have had to get Bisho up a few times because I have been craving some foods that we don't have in our apartment so he has had to go out to the shops in the middle of the night so that I could have the food. I love the fact that Kerrbox doesn't mind going out to get me food in the middle of the night but I can tell that it is slightly starting to tick him off.

At the moment I have been getting these weird cravings and I don't know why. I have been craving pickles and peanut butter for a while but I am now craving peanut butter and bacon. When I ate it in front of the boys one day they all turned away from me because it looked disgusting but I thought that it was fine. Kerrbox has been worried for me because he knows that I am allergic to some things and that the baby might want some things that I am allergic to so he has been keeping a close eye on me.

I was in the tower one day last week, having my lunch when I smelt something nice so I turned to the boys and said "What smells nice in here? One of your lunches smells really nice. I want it."

I then had a lot of the boys ask if it was theirs but I kept saying no to them and when it got around to Matty Dee I asked: "What have you got?"

"I have a Mediterranean Grilled Chicken salad. It has chicken breasts, ground coriander, dried oregano, kosher salt, freshly gro-" Matty said. I stopped listening after that because I was just staring at his food.

After I couldn't hear any talking I turned to Matty and asked: "Can I try some of that?"

"Yeah, sure." He then hands me the pot but before I could put the fork in my mouth it is hit away so I turned to whoever did that and once I realised that it was Kerrbonx I said "What did you do that for?"

"Your allergic to avocado's remember. I don't want anything to happen to you because of your cravings and with you being pregnant," Kerrbox said.

"Sorry, I didn't know. I stopped listening after he said salt," I said.

"That's ok but please don't eat crave anything else that you are allergic to," Kerrbox said.

"Don't worry. This will all be over soon," I said. I could see him relax and sigh in relief. We then spend the rest of our lunch break cuddling and talking to each other.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I have been applying to jobs recently and I have been getting a lot of responses asking when I could have an interview so my schedule is packed and tomorrow is my busiest day yet because I have a haircut and then 2 interviews after that so I might be able to post tomorrow or I might not. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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