#01: How you guys Met (Louis Liam Niall)

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You were going 75 on the highway on your way to your second cousin's wedding when your white 2010 Toyota Camry started to slow down. You quickly merged into the the shoulder lane as your car completely shut off.

"Great, just wonderful..." You whisper to yourself banging on the dashboard. You got out of your car and opened up the hood to see what the problem was. Your uncle taught you some stuff about cars so you decided to take that knowledge to your advantage. Nothing worked so you ended up waving cars off to help you. You were going to be late and no one had stopped.

You checked your cell phone and you only had about an hour or so to get there and you wanted to beat traffic.

A black Cadillac pulled over behind you and the stranger that got out was one of the most attractive men you've ever seen. Defined jawline, beautiful eyes, quiffed up hair...he was gorgeous...you were too far in a trance to notice he was talking to you.

"Excuse me, Ma'am...Ma'am..." He asked politely trying to gain your attention.

"Oh hi...I'm sorry, I though I saw a raccoon on the side of the ramp." You lied. "Anyway, my car broke down on a full tank of gas and I need help starting it back up. Do you think you can help me?"

"Of course. You're dressed nice, where are you off to?" He asked digging in the trunk of his car.

"I'm on my way to a wedding, I'm
Gonna be late." You explain. He eyed you in your white pencil dress admiring your shape. He snapped himself out of his daze and pulled out some jumper cables.

"Ok, so I'm gonna pull up in front of your car so I can hook our batteries up and give you a bit of juice. Afterwards, you might wanna go to a shop." He says. He re-parks his car by yours and hooks the jumper cables on. He pushed on the gas and your car started up just like that.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" You say going to hug him.

"It's no big deal. I'm glad I could help, I'm Louis by the way." He hold out a hand for you to shake and you waste no time obliging.

"Can I get your phone number?" He asked. "I'd like to call you sometime."

He handed you his phone and you entered your name and number and took a quick selfie for the profile so he would remember you.

"Oh yeah, I'm [Y/N]." You say hugging him once again. "Call me!!" You shout to him before getting back into your car and going to the wedding.


You were walking through the park after you left your college campus to get back to your apartment off of campus. You've been living there ever since you got started. Even though it sounds decent it was truly the worst. The distance from campus to the bus stop was excruciating. It was times like this that you wish your car wasn't still in the shop. So you were walking along going about your business when someone on a bike was behind you. You couldn't hear because your earphones were in and your music was extremely loud. The anonymous biker bumped you causing you to fall. All your books came spilling from your bag, and papers flew everywhere. At least it wasn't windy out. What reall pissed you off was how The guy didn't stop to help or anything.

"You fucking idiot!!!" You yelled throwing a rock at him. There were people looking but you could really care less. The people watching were ignorant for not helping you off the ground. It hurt to get up for a moment. A pair of large hands lifted you to your feet.

"Are you ok? You took a pretty nice fall there." The guy chuckles at you.

"Yeah, that was charming right?" You laughed in agreement.

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