#57: Your daughter (Louis)

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Kiara was so silly and adorable. She was just like her daddy always having fun no matter what was going on. Louis turned her into such a daddy's girl and he spoils her so much that it's not even funny. She's still a good kid and you both love her.

Kiara loudly screamed once again running in the opposite direction that Louis was trying to catch her in. She had recently learned to walk and that made getting her ready for things so much harder than it had to be. The funny thing was how she thought her and Louis were playing a game.

"Ok Kiara come to daddy, we have to get you ready to come to work with me."  He said still following her.

She stopped and turned to look at Louis and started laughing.

"You're so goofy Kay." He laughs scooping her up. He took her upstairs, climbing over the baby gate and taking her to your shared room.

"Alright, we're gonna put your little outfit on so we can go." He says to himself setting her on the bed. He puts her little shoes on and grabs her bag before leaving.

"Wait until your uncles see that you can walk now..." He sighed. "Next thing you know I'll be teaching her to drive." He says to himself getting in the front to drive.

He drove about 45 minutes out to get to the studio lots and pulled in. When he looked back at Kiara she was knocked out. When he climbed out and opened Kiara's door she woke up and started getting all fussy.

"Hey beautiful, you're ok. Don't cry." He says picking her up from her seat.

"You feel like walkin?" He chuckled kissing her and placing her on the ground.

"Hold daddy's hand." He tells her. She grabs onto his finger and doesn't let go.

He walks her into the studio and lets her run free when the door shuts. Her loud giggles fill the room but no one was there yet.

"Looks like we beat everyone here Kay. Come here so I can see if you need changing." He said running and grabbing her before she could run off.

"Haha, looks like daddy got the last laugh this time." He teased her carrying her to the bathroom. He quickly changed her and cleaned his hands with a wipe and took her back out again so she could run around.

Right about then the rest of the guys came in and smiled when they saw the baby running around.

"Hey boo! When did you start walking around? Huh?" Harry asks her. She just stands there and stares at all the boys with the biggest grin on her face.

"Aww, look at that smile!" Liam coos to her. She loved the attention that the other guys gave her. If it were someone else she would run the other way.

She holds out her arms, and runs towards Niall. He was her absolute favorite. Plus he was the babysitter. So she knew and recognized him pretty well.

"Hey girlfriend, I missed you!" Niall crouched down and picked her up, while he made faces at her.

"I see how it is, you're just gonna ignore me?" Liam jokes with her.

"Yeah, you see me every other weekend." Niall laughs. "Go say hi to everyone else Ma." He sets her down and she looks around at all the guys.

"Hey precious, you get bigger every time I see you!" Zayn says making her look his way.

"Up!" She whined crashing into his legs.

"It's alright Kiara, I got you." He smiles at her lifting her in the air making her hysterically squeal.

"Yeah, you're such a big girl." He cooed to her. She grabbed a handful of Zayn's jacket and started chewing on it.

"Teething again?" Zayn sighed looking to Louis.

"It gets worse every time new teeth come in. She cries for no reason, and she always wants to chew on everything." He chuckled.

"No, No, don't chew on that, that's icky." Zayn tells her taking it out her mouth. She makes what you and Louis call "The poopy face" and pouts her lip out and stares at him with her big eyes.

"I'm not holding you if you're gonna cry." Zayn laughs poking her lip back in. She poked it right back out afterwards. She started crying and Zayn didn't really know what to do with her.

"Come here Kiara, come to Daddy." He holds his arms out to her and takes her from Zayn. "What's your issue Kay?" She pointed at Zayn as if to say he upset her.

"Kiara you can't chew on random stuff sweetheart, that's not normal." He says laughing. "Can you smile for me and put that lip back in?"

"Da-Da!" She smiled. Playing with his lips.

"Not my lips." He laughs making the other guys laugh at her. She starts to smile and he places her down.

"Alright lads, we need to get started." Louis suggests. Him and the others gather around the coffee table and start writing down ideas for the next album.

"Da!" Everyone looks at the baby and 'Awwes' at her.

"You wanna help Kay? Yeah?" Liam puts her in his lap and turns her at an angle so she can see Louis.

"That's my baby girl." Louis smiled proud of what he created.

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