#154: BSM: You can't find him

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LOUIS (Age 18)

Since no one was home and Louis would be on his way home soon you decided to take the car and go pick him up from the airport. Before leaving you shot him a quick text to make sure he knew. You even checked his flight schedule to be sure you'd be on time picking him up.

By the time you got the airport Louis' plane was expected to land in 10 minutes. Plus it was a small airport, so you didn't expect it to take very long for Louis to make it out to the entrance.

While you were waiting to hear back your phone beeped and Louis had texted you.

L: Hey [Y/N] I'm here. Where the hell are you?"

Y: Nigga I'm outside.

L: I'm outside too. I don't see the car.

You sighed and drove around the whole terminal in search for your brother and you didn't see him at all you you decided to ring him instead.


"Louis you're starting to worry me, where are you at?" You asked him getting stressed.

"Calm down I told you I was here."

"Where Nigga? Where?" You yelled into the phone.

"Turn around." You looked out the passenger window to see Louis smiling and waving at you. As he approached the car you hung up the phone and rolled your eyes.

LIAM (Age 1)

"Can you guys watch [Y/N] for a few minutes? I'm needed in wardrobe." Liam says looking between the other guys.

"Yeah go ahead, she'll be fine." Louis says before Liam heads out the door and down the hall. You were toddling about just playing with your toys when you noticed Liam was gone. At the same time you wanted him to play with you and it made you feel some kind of way that he just left like that.

The guys all noticed the sad look on your face and tried asking you what's wrong. You looked at all the guys with your lip pouted out and you started to scream.

"Hey it's ok, you wanna come to Ni?" One of them asks. You looked at Niall and decided he was safe since he hung out around your brother.

"What's got you all upset [Y/N]?" Harry asks.

"Li." You say about to start crying again. Niall catches on and realizes that you just want Liam.

"Ok, none of that little tot. I'll take you to Liam." Niall says holding you on his hip. He walked you down the hallway into wardrobe and you smiled when you saw your brother.

"See look, there he is. He didn't go anywhere." Niall chuckled placing you down. You were so happy that Niall found him that you ran straight to Liam and didn't look back.

NIALL (Age 5)

Niall had taken you with him to this huge press conference and somehow managed to lose you in the crowd of reporters. Niall couldn't even begin to imagine how scared you were of not knowing where he could be.

"Excuse me?" You say gently tapping on this man's leg.

"Well hey there kiddo. What's your name?" He asks smiling.

"My name is [Y/N]. I can't find my brother." You say getting teary eyed.

"It's ok don't cry. I'll help you find him. What's his name?"


"Ohhh. I know your brother! Let me take you to security." He says taking your hand. The nice man lead you to the familiar faces of Paul and Preston who were actually helping Niall find you. You were really glad to see them.

"There you are [Y/N]! Niall was looking for you!" Paul says picking you up.

"Sorry. I try to find Ni but I couldn't." You say.

"It's ok he's right here." Paul says giving you to your brother.

"[Y/N], don't you ever run off like that ever!" He says taking a stern tone of voice with you.

"Niall I didn't. I lost you." You say resting your head on him. Niall was honestly just glad to have you in his arms.

ZAYN (Age 21)

Zayn made the consecutive decision to drag you with him to some wild party while you were on break from college. He wanted to have an experience way better than some college party, but up until now you didn't even think there could be a greater party than a college party. Zayn bringing you to the party is what placed you in your current predicament.

You were half drunk being shoved around by thousands of people trying to find Zayn so he could take you to the hotel.

"Hey, you seen my brother?" You asked this random girl

"Um...who are you?" She asked in a snotty tone.

"I'm [Y/N] Malik, my brother brought me to this party. I need to find him so we can go home." You explain.

"You are Zayn Malik's sister?" I doubt it. She scoffs pushing you back.

"Hey..." you turn around and smile when you see that Zayn found you.

"Oh my gosh Zayn! You're like...hot. This girl over here says she's your sister. Crazy right?"

"Yeah, that is my sister. I just wanted to tell you to keep your hands to yourself. Thanks." He says taking your hand to drag you out to the car.

"Big brother, I couldn't find you." You slurred falling all over Zayn.

"I know [Y/N]. We're gonna go home now." He sighs continuing to pull you through the large crowd.

HARRY (Age 2)

"You stay right here [Y/N]..." Harry says placing you in your playpen. He handed you a sippy cup with juice and you gave Harry your best puppy dog face.

"Nooo..." you whined rubbing your eyes.

"I'll be back [Y/N], no need to frown." He chuckled. He gave you your pacifier before leaving you in the hotel room alone. The other guys were in the neighboring room connected to Harry's so the boys would be able to hear you if you needed something. About a half hour went by and your brother still hasn't come back to get you.

"Bubba..." you mumbled calling Harry. There was no answer.

"Bubba!" You yelled stomping your foot. You threw yourself on the ground in frustration and started crying. Louis appeared in the room and pointed his finger at you to stop crying.

"Want bubba." You whined rubbing your eyes.

"Harry will be back. You can sit with me until he's done working out." Louis smiles grabbing your sippy cup and picking you up. In about another half hour Harry returned and you showed him your mad face for leaving you.

"[Y/N], come on...I told you I'd be back." Harry says making you turn into Louis chest.

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