#08: He talks about you in an interview

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Interviewer: "So Louis tell us about that [Y/N] girl you're dating. What is she like?"

Louis: "She's amazing, everything I've been looking for in a woman."

Interviewer: "Oh really? how?"

Louis: "She's beautiful, she can cook, and she's goofy just like me, she's reckless. And best of all she's got a heart of gold."

Interviewer: "it's good that you're happy with her."

Louis: "She makes me look back at all my exes and think about where she's been my whole life, she's what I need. Also She has that spark in her...I don't even know how to describe it but it's something worthwhile."

Interviewer: "That's great Louis. Have you introduced her to you family?"

Louis: "Of course, why wouldn't I? I could never hide her from anyone. She's my whole world and everyone deserves to know that."


Interviewer: "So Liam, I heard you proposed to [Y/N]. Is that true?"

Liam: "That is in fact true. I've been preparing myself to propose to her for months and I finally built up the courage to do it. I love her, and I'm glad I was ready."

Interviewer: "You have a great taste in Women by the way, [Y/N] is really pretty."

Liam: "Thankyou, I'm gonna have to agree with you on that.

Interviewer: "So before the engagement weren't you two dating for...4 years?"

Liam: "Yes we have. She's given me the best 4 years of my life. God knows the wonders she'll work for the rest of our lives."

Interviewer: "You are really happy with her aren't you?"

Liam: "Happy isn't even the right word...my love for her goes above and beyond happy."


Interviewer: "So how is [Y/N] doing Niall?"

Niall: "She's doing great."

Interviewer: "That's good, how's her modeling going?"

Niall: "She really enjoys it. It turned out to be a great confidence boost for her and she's really starting to come out of her shell."

Interviewer: "You did a great thing for her."

Niall: "I do what I can to take care of her. She's means everything to me, and she's really been through a lot in her life and I'm one of very few people who understand."

Interviewer: "The fans like how you always look after [Y/N]. And so do I honestly, it's very admirable."

Niall: "The thing is everyone thinks she's so Arrogant just because she'll walk into a place and not speak to anyone and I'm sick of people thinking that. She's just shy, and being bombarded by paps and flashing cameras doesn't help. She's a really strong woman, and I'll be the first to say I really look up to her."

Interviewer: "Can you explain?"

Niall: "I know everyone says this about someone they know, but [Y/N] is truly one of a kind, she's really cut from a different cloth. I look up to her because she's strong and she has a lot of personal problems going on. And no matter what happens she puts all that aside and goes out her way to make others happy and she takes care of others before herself. That's a very good trait to have, she's always had such a giving heart and I love that about her. That's why I'll never stop trying to give back to her and I'll never stop loving her.


Interviewer: "So Harry, were you at all skeptical about dating [Y/N]?"

Harry: "Of course not, I loved getting to know [Y/N]. If I was skeptical about her I wouldn't have wasted any time on her."

Interviewer: "What was your first impression of her?"

Harry: "That she was beautiful, outgoing, she had a great sense of humor...seeing all those traits in her made it very enticing."

Interviewer: "So now we know [Y/N] is very special to you."

Harry: "That she is. People often ask me the same question because of the color of her skin. None of that matters to me, she's a person just like you and I."

Interviewer: "That's very true."

Harry: "I mean she's beautiful, she really is and in my eyes there's not another woman in the world that could compare to her."

Interviewer: "That's really nice Harry."

Harry: "It really makes me think about how lucky I am to have her."


Zayn: "Sometimes, I still can't believe [Y/N] and I met in high school."

Interviewer: "You guys look really happy together. I've seen all the photos of you guys. "

Zayn: "[Y/N] is definitely a happy person. She gets some hate here and there, but that doesn't stop her happiness."

Interviewer: "Aww that's cute! Speaking of other people's opinions, what did your families think of your relationship?"

Zayn: "Well, [Y/N]'s father wasn't a big fan of me, but her Mother loved me. It didn't take long for me to grow on her father though."

Interviewer: "What do your parents think of [Y/N]?"

Zayn: "They absolutely love her. I can't blame them."

Interviewer: "Oh yeah, and why can't you?"

Zayn: "She's just amazing. She's the reason I'm still standing, and she's helped me remember how to smile. She's just perfect."

Interviewer: "What's one of your favorite things about [Y/N] hands down?

Zayn: "There's really no limits to what my favorite things about her are. If I had to pick something specific it would be her smile."

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